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I want that, I can do it!

30 clever mental tricks

The intent is there, but the inner bastard torpedo the implementation - you know that for sure. We'll show you how you can easily outsmart yourself with simple strategies and from now on everything - from annoying paperwork to sports program.

30 clever mental tricks
Photo: Thinkstock
  1. I want to finally lose the last three pounds!
  2. Abandonments increase the desire
  3. Reward yourself
  4. Daily weight control
  5. I finally want to do my paperwork
  6. Schedule fixed dates
  7. (4) Super Power Timetable
  8. (5) Sit down!
  9. (6) dopamine doping
  10. I want to eat less sweets
  11. Guilt feelings are counterproductive
  13. Five minutes daily
  14. I want to do sports regularly
  15. (3) facts, facts, facts
  16. I finally want to quit smoking
  17. Happy non-smoker
  18. I can do it
  19. I want to worry less
  20. (2) pleasure principle
  21. (3) Relax in two minutes
  22. I do not always want to lie on the couch in the evening
  23. (2) small reminder
  24. (3) Back to the Zuknuft!
  25. I do not want to spend so much time on Facebook, emails, surfing
  26. (2) fantasy & reality
  27. (3) Save your time!

I want to finally lose the last three pounds!

(1) If X, then Y

Be prepared for situations in which you can easily become weak, with a concrete implementation plan, as psychologists call it. For example, at a party: "If there is a rich buffet, I only eat lean meat and vegetables." This is a simple but very effective way of self-discipline, according to the American psychologist Roy Baumeister.

(2) (K) worth a sin!

Salad good, burger evil? Get used to classifying foods into such categories. "That puts the feeling in the place of the mind, " says Kelly McGonigal, author of "Uphill with tailwind. Use willpower efficiently "(Goldmann, around 9 euros). Studies have shown that people believe a cheeseburger plus salad has fewer calories than a cheeseburger alone!

Disclaimers increase the desire

This "halo" effect often causes light, organic and sugar-free products to over-eat. Consider the specific calorie indicators to weigh if and how much you really want.

(3) The pink elephant

Do not make any bans. "Science confirms that limiting a food automatically increases cravings for it, " explains Kelly McGo-nigal. If you fail chocolate, it haunts your head like a pink elephant. "Rebound effect" call the experts. Treat yourself to small sins, for example two pieces of chocolate, so you better protect yourself from cravings.

Reward yourself

(4) Good girl - bad girl

Do not fall into the trap of moral licensing. "When you do something 'good', such as desserts, you feel good - which often means that you allow yourself something 'bad' afterwards, " says McGonigal. The way out: Do not just pat on the back for success, but remember why you're doing it.

Do not say, "Great, almost done!", But better: "Wow, I put myself in there - and I keep it up!" That reminds you to act in harmony with your big goal. If you want to reward, then not in "natural", but better with a few beautiful earrings, a CD or a concert visit.

Daily weight control

(5) Step up

To weigh once a week is enough? Mistake! Recent studies show that those who weigh themselves daily are more effective at weight control and show no signs of frustration in the face of the daily confrontation with the scale. So, let's go!

I finally want to do my paperwork

(1) On your marks, get set, go!

"With the proximity to the destination for many increases the need to act. So set deadlines, "advises social psychologist Jens Förster, author of" Our Autopilot. How we can realize wishes and achieve goals "(DVA, around 20 euros). Tell yourself: "I have my tax return by tomorrow 17 clock!" Enter it in calendar or mobile phone to feel obligated.

(2) business class

Plan your private tasks like a job project, so you can go through with them. Expert Förster: "If you think specifically about when, where and how you can accomplish a task, you're more likely to get it down."

Schedule fixed dates

The project "tax return" runs like this: "Today during the lunch break I get a software, which helps me with the completion of the tax declaration. In the evening, I sort out all the bills, receipts and documents that I need. I'll finish the tax return until the deadline tomorrow at 5 pm and take it to the post office the same evening! "

(3) future music

Completed tasks are like annoying earwigs that you can not get rid of. Experts call this the "Zeigarnik effect", named after the Russian psychologist Bljuma Zeigarnik, who discovered this effect. So check your outstanding bills right away, then calm is in your head!

(4) Super Power Timetable

Experts know: Sometimes we just do not have the motivation to do the paperwork. But at what time of day the motivation low threatens, that is individually different. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal advises: "Watch for a week when you have the most willpower and when you're most likely to get weak."

Do you awake full of energy, which then becomes steadily less? Then do your job in the morning! In the afternoon, do you really get going? Then book two hours from 3pm for your paperwork.

(5) Sit down!

So, now it's your turn. Is not that bad, right? Just get a quick glass of water from the kitchen. Or pour flowers in the living room for a short time. Stop! As soon as you get up and leave the room, it becomes much harder to complete the task.

Psychologist Gabriel Radvansky from the University of Notre Dame has shown that our brain reboots with each change of space: What has just occupied us, is put away to create capacity for new things. So stay seated until you have completed your task!

(6) dopamine doping

For dopamine we do everything! This body's own motivating substance triggers feelings of happiness, it is released when we feel comfortable. But even unpleasant tasks we can "dopaminisieren":

"Annoying paperwork is less unpleasant in the Stammcafé with an espresso macchiato. Cleaning up is better with beautiful music, "says expert McGonigal. So, make yourself as nice as you can - then do not push yourself so easily!

I want to eat less sweets

(1) Deferred is (almost) canceled

If you want to resist sweet temptations, say "later" instead of "never". This trick outwits the brain. "The deferred enjoyment of a crème brûlée or a piece of Sachertorte gives you the opportunity to enjoy the anticipation, " explain psychologists. If you eventually eat the candy, you will be much more moderate.

(2) "What the hell!"

Do you know that? At the first little slip-up you send all your good intentions to hell. "Now I've eaten a piece of the forbidden chocolate - so I can also eat the whole table!" Researchers call this the "What the hell" effect, he was first researched in alcoholism studies.

Guilt feelings are counterproductive

Kelly McGonigal: "The worse someone felt because of his drinking the day before, the more he drank that evening and even the night after." Guilt is counterproductive! Better: forgiveness. Tell yourself: "A piece of chocolate is not bad!" And: "I'll stay tuned anyway."

(3) Change of perspective

The tartlets on the colleague's desk attract you magically? Best strategy: "Concretely imagine the consequences and the temptations as abstract as possible, " said social psychologist Jens Förster of the University of Amsterdam. Make pictures in your mind's eye as the bacon rolls crawl over the waistband. The tart, on the other hand, push you far away and call it "food" - so abstract and unsexy that it spoils your appetite!


New research shows that regular meditation helps people to strengthen their willpower. Kelly McGonigal recommends this five-minute meditation: sit down, either on a chair or cross-legged on a pillow. Stay still during the exercise. "They learn not to automatically follow any impulse that brain or body produces, " says McGonigal.

Close your eyes and pay attention to your breath. In the mind, say "breathe" when you catch your breath, and "breathe out" when you expel them. After a few minutes, leave the words and concentrate on how breathing in your body feels.

Five minutes daily

Although you are aware of digressive thoughts, you always shift your focus back to the breath. Just five minutes a day is enough to strengthen your willpower.

I want to do sports regularly

(1) Mouth to and through!

Who tells others of his fitness intentions, pulls them through rather, it was always said. Mistake! According to expert Jens Förster, it is unfortunately the case that "communicating plans can prevent us from putting them into action." Sounds bizarre, but it is. "Goals are given a sense of reality just because we talk about them, and we think we've already reached them, " says Förster.

(2) competitive spirit

Honestly, getting engaged in sports is not always fun - but it's a lot easier if you do not expect it! "If we understand something as a duty or a necessity, we take things faster. If we understand a task as a means of self-realization, then we will allow ourselves more time, "said the social psychologist. Do not wait for the mood or mood, but imagine having to follow your World Cup training schedule. Once you're there, the fun will come on its own.

(3) facts, facts, facts

Specific goals make it easier to wipe out the bastard. It is important to ask yourself the right questions: "What do I want to achieve, in what time, how can I check if I have been successful?" Do not write "fitter" on the to-do list, but "the Kilometers in less than 6 minutes ".

(4) Exemplary

Especially disciplined people need less willpower - because they avoid temptation and leave no doubt. You can too! Make sure that your sports program has as few questions as possible: Visit your yoga class on the same day of the week at the same time - until it is routine!

I finally want to quit smoking

(1) baby steps

If the thought of never touching a cigarette again seems too frightening, then do a trial run. "Find yourself a small task that demands the willpower but does not overwhelm you, " advises Kelly McGonigal. For example: the first flock only after 11 o'clock or even 6 o'clock. Coffee or wine drinking without glow stems. Are you going to war? Great, then make it harder!

(2) visions of success

Make it easier to get started by understanding that it will always be easier. Expert McGonigal says, "If you think that smoking after one year will be as tough as it was the first day, you're more likely to surrender. But if you can imagine that abstinence will eventually be self-evident, you will take the temporary torment. "

Happy nonsmoker

Imagine situations in which you are a happy non-smoker: a party on which you dance instead of quartz, a smoke-free lunch break with colleagues, smooching with your sweetheart, who says: "You taste so good!" Instead of: "You ashtray",

(3) Anticipate traps

They want to stop, for sure. And the decision feels so good, yeah! Attention: If you believe that this time everything will be different, the "false hope effect" will send you to the brain. "The decision to change gives us the highest immediate satisfaction - before we even did anything, " says psychologist Kelly McGonigal. This kick is unfortunately much stronger than the small satisfaction that you feel when you actually say "no" to a cigarette.

I can do it

Therefore, put off the pink "I can do it!" Glasses. "A touch of pessimism is conducive to success, " says Mc-Gonigal. Think about the situations in which you are most likely to be tempted - and how you counter. "When the colleagues go smoking, I say, 'Later, no time.'" Or: Instead of the cigarette to the wine enjoy a nice conversation with friends.

I want to worry less

(1) New dubbing voice

Doubts, grumblings and worries run again in the continuous loop? Change perspective: "Take on the role of a mentor or good friend who believes in you, wants the best for you, and encourages you when courage threatens to leave you, " advises McGonigal.

This can be your best friend, mom or even George Clooney, the main thing is, the person agrees with you positively. Imagine how this person speaks to you in a calm, heartfelt tone and encourages you! Replace your worrying soundtrack with it.

(2) pleasure principle

"One of the simplest, but also most important, exercises to free you from the plague is to take a break from your brain by devoting yourself to enjoyable things, " says US psychologist Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, author of "Why Women Think Too Much. Paths from the Grübelfalle "(Heyne, around 8 euros).

Their studies show that just eight minutes of distraction are enough to lift the mood and break out of the negative spiral. So: Dance to your three favorite songs, watch funny YouTube videos, try your high heels!

(3) Relax in two minutes

Simple but effective: breathe slower! More precisely: four to six breaths per minute. "This helps the brain and the body to move from a state of stress into the mode of self-regulation, " explains expert MCGonigal. Here's how it works: Use a timer or a watch to see how often you breathe normally in a minute.

Then slow down by exhaling as slowly and completely as possible (do not hold your breath). Imagine you were blowing through a straw. Do not worry: everything under twelve breaths is great! The more relaxed you are, the less likely you are to end up in the Droughts.

I do not always want to lie on the couch in the evening

(1) Five minutes into the countryside

Avoid hectic, busy roads on the way home! Those alone can, according to research from the University of Michigan, give your self restraint a damper, so the sofa pizza routine is inevitable. Your way home, unfortunately, leads through the city? Then you quickly counter with a dose of nature: "Just five minutes of exercise in the green reduce stress, raise your mood and improve self-regulation, " says Kelly McGonigal.

Slip off the business pumps in the running shoes in the office, so you just have to leave your belongings at home before you go out again. Or just jog your way home!

(2) small reminder

Actually, you know how much happier you are having an evening with a yoga session instead of "crime scene" rehearsals or "Dr. House "makes. There's a way to remind your stressed self! Create an incentive before the laziness automatism strikes.

For example, you can even speak to a mobile phone memo describing how happy you feel after the yoga class. Listen to this a couple of times, if your stress-I want to cancel your plans again - works immediately!

(3) Back to the Zuknuft!

"Studies show that it can increase the willpower of our current self by imagining its future self, " said McGonigal. Visualize how you can dance full of energy in the evenings with a friend, work out in the gym, make friends or whatever you want to do. "The more real the future feels, the sooner you will make a decision that will make you happy and satisfied, " said the psychologist.

I do not want to spend so much time on Facebook, emails, surfing

(1) Wanted: the impulse

Has the handle to your smartphone or laptop already become automatic? Sharpen your perception for the impulse that gets you started. McGonigal describes it as "a kind of tension in the brain and body, " a mental itch that makes you scratch or surf. Write this time-robber for a search!

The more you know when, how and why you click, the easier it is to counteract. Write down your typical thoughts, such as: "Only ten minutes", "I just have to ...", "The google I quickly ..." And common danger situations: "After the kickoff from the boss, when I'm bored or tired or ..." From now on, your alarm bells will ring every time you recognize a phrase or situation.

(2) fantasy & reality

"Hardly anything makes our brain as addictive as modern technology, " says psychologist Kelly Mc-Gonigal. We spend hours on the net, because our reward system, quasi high with anticipation, hopes with each click to discover something new and great. But, "What is the actual experience compared to expectation?" McGonigal asks. Find out what surfing sessions really are about.

Is it fun? Does it give you energy? The expert mentions two possible insights: "Some people experience that a truly conscious pleasure generates satisfaction after a much shorter period of time. Others find that surfing is completely unsatisfactory for you. Both perceptions can greatly improve your control over behavior that seems initially uncontrollable. "

(3) Save your time!

Even if you only surf a bit "on the side" in the work - read some news here, watch a video -, you'll get an hour and more a day! This is called "info porn" by Tony Wright, founder of Rescue Time.

With its software, which you can download for free on the net (, you can record what you actually spend your (working) time on the computer. Try it - the result will create a real aha effect!

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