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Dog Saves Mum: Labrador Daisy Sniffs Cancer

Photo: YouTube / Blue Cross

Dog can smell cancer

With the help of her fine nose, Daisy dog ​​not only saved her mistress, but also 550 other people's lives. She could sniff the cancer.

Dr. Claire Guest was initially confused when her bitch Daisy began to behave abnormally. Again and again, the Labrador bitch tried to touch her owner's chest. When the trained psychologist touched the appropriate place herself, she came across a knot in her chest. A medical examination then brought complete clarity.

In Dr. Claire Guests chest was discovered a cyst. This was completely harmless. In the tissue underneath, however, were cancer cells. Early detection enabled the malignant tissue to be removed in a timely manner. Labrador Daisy saved her mistress's life.

Daisy's owner had every reason to take her bitch's conspicuous behavior seriously. Ever since Daisy was a little puppy, she's been trained to recognize the smell of cancer. Normally, however, Daisy does so based on the breathing of potentially ill people or urine samples. Their hit rate is 93 percent. With her sensitive and well-trained nose, Daisy was able to save 550 other people's lives by sniffing out malignant cancer cells in addition to her own owner .

For her hard work Labrador bitch Daisy has now been awarded the Blue Cross Medal - a badge specifically for animals . The bitch, who saved no less than 551 people in total, certainly deserves this prize. In the video below you can see the award winner up close.

Like Daisy, many other dogs are trained by the organization Medical Detection Dogs to detect cancer at an early stage. Among other things, other four-legged animals are being trained to sniff and track down mites to make life easier for allergy sufferers. Dogs can also be trained to deal with specific illnesses to help their owners in any situation.

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