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Christian Rach closes Tafelhaus!

Christian Rach: "My wife had to be patient with me."
Photo: Getty images

TV chef

Cooking is not just a profession for him - it is his passion. Nevertheless Christian Rach closed his star restaurant " Tafelhaus " after 23 successful years. A decision for love? THE NEW BLADE talked to the TV chef about it.

What moved you to the closure?

Christian Rach: That had nothing to do with a burn-out or financial problems. Our shop was always full. Nevertheless, I said: finish! It was the manliest decision of my life.


Christian Rach : That was not a decision for my wife or children. It was just time to finish the chapter. Of course, I talked about it with my family . But in principle, that's my decision.

How did your family react?

Christian Rach : Of course they were glad about that. But my wife and children first had to learn what it's like to be home and join in the evening meal.

They are still traveling a lot. How is it possible to lead a happy marriage?

Christian Rach: When it comes to closeness, it's not the quantity that counts, but the quality. Of course that requires a great deal of openness. My wife and family had to be patient with me.

What do you do when you have time off?

Christian Rach: I'm going to eat (laughs). Unfortunately, I often have too little time for it. Otherwise I go jogging, cycling or drinking a good wine . And I practice going to the cinema. I have not done that for over 20 years (laughs).

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