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Turning old into new: lantern gets a new coat of paint

Rebuilding from old: We breathe new life into this lantern.
Photo: deco & style

New look for the off season

Do you also have an old lantern at home that looks a bit battered after last summer? We have a simple idea.

You need that to rebuild your old lantern:

  • 2 old wooden lanterns
  • sandpaper
  • Acrylic lacquer in pink and white (eg from Hobby Line; craft shop; 50 ml 3, 50 Euro)
  • 2 candles
  • 2 roses in pink and white
  • brush

And that's how easy it is:

1. Wind lantern grinding, remove sanding residues and paint in pink and white. Let dry.

2. Place candles and rose petals in the lanterns and decorate with rose petals.

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