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Birthday gifts: the best ideas

How to find the right gift. And how to handle birthday disappointment

The next birthday is coming up and you have no idea what to give away? Here's how to find perfect gifts . And 15 great ideas for friends, relatives, colleagues and more ...

A gift should always show: I like you the way you are! The way leads over a ...

GOOD PLANNING: What bans itself, is probably clear: spontaneous purchases in the last second. Because usually you only stumble on emergency solutions. Instead, you should watch the upcoming birthday girl closely. Do you know the favorite color? The favorite food? The better the sense of the person to be gifted, the higher the probability of finding the right one. Discreet queries are also okay, but avoid cross-examination, because it should still leave room for your own creativity .

"I DO NOT NEED ANYTHING!" Great, such a sentence leaves one really perplexed. This is also true if grandma wishes "health" or the friend flirts with "you are gift enough!" Just think of something original (tips in the gallery). Because most objectors want to appear only modest. However secretly wish a gift - as proof that we like them.

FAKE WRONG If, of course, you make the most of choosing a gift, but only harvest a frown, you should stay just as relaxed. And the next time you still rely on your instincts, instead of handing over the receipt and saying, "If you do not like it, you can exchange it." That would give the (false) impression that you have not really worked for your counterpart.

AND MONEY? Does not make a gift as good. At the moment of giving, it reduces the relationship to a material value. And the disappointment is great when you realize that you are worth "only" 20 euros to someone. Exception: larger purchases, to which family or friends want to contribute something.

WHAT'S THE COST? Even lovingly selected mini gifts that fit perfectly with a friend are allowed. Even if they are at the flea market for 5 euros. A gift should not be too expensive. Because who can not give something equivalent, then often feels uncomfortable. Gifts should do only one thing : make you happy.

If your loved ones have their birthday, you can even go for it - and bring something more original than a bottle of vino. Voilà: small birthday gifts that will definitely bring you an extra helping of birthday cake.

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