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Editor'S Choice

Friendship No-Gos

How would you react if your girlfriend spanned your ex? Exactly!
Photo: Gernot Krautberger, fotolia

Also between best friends there are unspoken rules. Here are the friendship no-gos, on which the total sympathy withdrawal is mostly:

To keep a book on who paid for which latte macchiato and when. And tell her exactly how much you've already invested in her.

To apply for the job your girlfriend hopes for. Just as tricky: to work in the same company as she - possibly as her boss ...

To do something with the girlfriend's ex. He is just taboo. Even ten years later. Even after four caipis.

Befriending your friend really well. And to go alone with him on the slopes while your girlfriend is working overtime. Or lying in bed with angina.

To run at her party. After that, invite everyone to strip poker. And finally fall asleep at "Wind of Change".

To give the cashmere sweater, which she has lent you a heavy heart, to a colleague. The guaranteed to return it. Sometime. Maybe.

To be cut also this cool bob, which your friend has since last week.

To tell in the clique under the seal of secrecy how much she still clings to her ex. Or that she is secretly on Enrique Iglesias.

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