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Finally the perfect hair length - now comes the 5.5 cm rule

Somehow the new hair does not fit your face? You could easily prevent that with the 5.5 cm rule.

Did Jessica Alba comply with the 5.5 cm rule?
Photo: Getty Images

Short bob or long hair: This tells you exactly what length your hair should be optimally cut.

No less than hair guru John Frida has come up with the 5.5 cm rule. Hairstylists around the world use this rule. Even if you sometimes do not realize it, because the barber skillfully persuades you to a length that flatters your face.

And so does the foolproof 5.5 cm rule for the ideal bobsleigh

  • Take a pencil and a ruler
  • You put the pencil vertically to your chin
  • You hold the ruler on the lower edge of your ear and close to the neck
  • If the distance between the pen - ie the lower edge of the chin - and the ear is less than 5.5 cm, you will have short hair
  • However, if the distance is more, you should do without short bobs and short hair hairstyles. A long bob is the better choice for you.

If you are looking for a new haircut you will surely find inspiration here.

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