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DIY tip: make your own cutlery storage

Photo: deco & style

Small order helper

Order in the kitchen must be. A cutlery storage must not be missed. We simply build one from cheap materials ourselves.

What you need for the cutlery storage:

  • 6 empty, clean paint cans, 1 l content
  • Wooden board 310 x 180 mm, thickness 20 mm (there is residual wood in the hardware store, where you can also have the desired size sawed)
  • Disposable gloves
  • Green spray paint (94RV-124 "Frisco Green", for 3, 75 €)
  • Wood rest to underlay
  • nail
  • 8 screws
  • leather rest
  • Paper for the work surface
  • hammer
  • Cordless Screwdriver
  • triangle ruler
  • chalk
  • fabric scissors

And that's how easy it is:

1. Spray cans and the wooden board over paper with green paint thoroughly and let dry well.

2. Place the can on a piece of wood. Put the nail on the inside of the can, just below the edge, and punch a hole. Same procedure for all other doses.

3. Set up wooden board (long side down). Screw all outer cans flush to the piece of wood (wooden board is the size of exactly three juxtaposed cans). Put the middle ones in between and tighten them as well.

4. Draw a 2 x 16 cm rectangle on the leather with a chalk pen.

5. Cut the leather.

6. Fix the leather handle in the middle of the wood piece with two screws.

If necessary, you can decorate the cans with ribbons or paper.

Done is the cutlery storage!

Info: Use spray paint on paper underlays only in well-ventilated areas or outdoors, wearing gloves and mouthguards.

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