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Breast cancer: the most important questions

Questions about breast cancer

Questions about breast cancer

How to prevent, when is there a particularly high risk and is the disease inheritable? These and other questions are answered in this article.

Early detection is especially important in breast cancer . The sooner the treatment starts, the higher the chance of recovery. Therefore, an annual palpation examination with the gynecologist is useful. This is also taken over by the health insurance companies from the age of 30. Here we answer all questions about breast cancer :

Can I protect myself from breast cancer through proper nutrition?

Make sure that you eat a balanced and low-fat diet. Also, enough exercise is important. Anyone paying special attention to their body weight after menopause can minimize the risk of breast cancer. Do not use excessive alcohol.

What other risk factors are there?

The longer the woman is exposed to the hormonal fluctuations, the higher the risk. This means: An early menstruation and late onset menopause increase the chance of getting sick. Likewise a long intake of the pill for contraception. Women who choose hormone replacement therapy to relieve menopausal symptoms are more likely to be affected by breast cancer. By contrast, stress and psychological stress have no demonstrable effect on this type of tumor.

Does breast cancer risk correlate with age?

In principle, women can get breast cancer at any age. The risk increases from the age of 30, every second patient is between 50 and 69.

Can breast cancer be inherited?

Very rarely, a gene that causes breast cancer is inherited. But nearly 80 percent of people whose so-called BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes are altered become ill with breast cancer during their lifetime. Recently, the actress Angelina Jolie made headlines. Because after her mother died of breast cancer, she had her genes examined. Her risk of developing breast cancer was 90 percent. She then decided to have both breasts amputated to lower the risk.

Is there any further evidence in the family environment?

Based on the number of breast and ovarian cancer patients from direct relatives own risk can be estimated. These include parents, siblings and children. If two women are suffering from breast cancer, one of them before the age of 50, you should take the check-ups very seriously.

How can I prevent when I have an increased risk?

From the age of 25 you should examine by ultrasound and scan the breast. This is recommended by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie. From the age of 30, an additional annual mammography is advised.

Are benign nodules the precursor to cancer?

Often, women themselves feel changes. This, of course, worries. Safety is only an examination at the gynecologist. The small nodes can be examined by the doctor with the ultrasound machine. Often, an X-ray mammogram is also performed. Then the doctor can often find out that they are benign nodules, so-called lipomas. These do not increase the risk of cancer. Sometimes, however, a tissue sampling is required to be sure that it is a benign change.

Are men affected too?

Yes, even if it is not in the consciousness of men: breast cancer is not a pure gynecological disease. Men are much less affected. Not even every 200th breast cancer patient is male. However, the nodes are usually discovered at a very late stage.

What is the chance of healing?

Modern medicine offers good treatment options today. Prerequisite: The node is detected in good time. Then there is a 90 percent chance of getting rid of the tumor.

Is there a complete cure?

Even if you do not relapse after a few years, you are never completely cured.
