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Brooke Mueller stays at home

Brooke Mueller does not want to vacate the house she shares with her husband Charlie Sheen

Brooke Mueller

Brooke Mueller / ©

The broker is furious with the rumors that her actress husband ('Two and a Half Men') cheated on her underwear model Angelina Tracy. However, she's determined to stay in her Los Angeles home. An insider reveals, "She's not undressed and does not want to. She's angry and does not speak to Charlie, they've been through difficult times together before, but they have She really hurt her. "Mueller's brother claimed last week his sister just wanted to be a good mother for 13-month-old twins Max and Bob raising with Sheen." Brooke is doing well, she's trying to get it all done "Scott Mueller says. Despite being angry, the real estate agent, who accused her husband of assaulting her in December, does not want to give up marriage. "Brooke is tough, she can not drop her marriage, despite all the trouble, " insists an insider, Meanwhile, a press spokesperson for the actor, who is currently on alcohol withdrawal, asserts that the relationship between Sheen and Tracy is purely friendly. Both would have met during the withdrawal, since she was the sister of a patient in the marriage of the 44-year-old stars, it allegedly, however, it has been crippling for quite some time. In December 2009, Sheen had even threatened and assaulted his wife on allegations. Now he has to answer for it in court.
