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20 signs that you are a loser

As bad as Britney Spears and Kevin Federline, it does not have to be the same. But beware, every woman can fall for a loser!
Photo: Getty Images

Every woman can fall for a loser

Everybody knows, does not need any: this very special kind of unwanted worshiper who is convinced that he is the man of our lives. But we are immune to these flirting attempts . After all, every woman recognizes a loser - right? We say NO! From time to time it happens that we go out with a loser !

How you can tell if you fell for a loser - like Britney Spears did on their K-Fed - can be found in our Date Checklist!

Before it starts, a small definition of our losers: This is not about the nerd who romped his complete formulary down the drain, no, this is about the cranky, unemployed, out of laziness living with his parents guy who somehow gets it done, to date with pretty women.

Not you, but a girlfriend is dating such a man? Honestly, after all, you would not let them drive a drunk car, so keep your girlfriend before the Loser date and do our check together!

20 signs that you are dangling a loser:

1. He is over 25 and tries to start his "band".

2. In his CV his high score is listed on "Call Of Duty".

3. His SMS consists only of abbreviations. WTF?

4. He grunts when he sees his own reflection.

5. His favorite food is "Burger King".

6. He says he is "too smart" to be caught by the police.

7. He's wondering if he can get a second tattoo on his neck.

8. He does not want to see "Hot Housewives 3" because he does not know the first two parts.

9. He was surprised that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were not real.

10. He does not need a driver's license, he prefers skateboarding.

11. He has restricted his drug use to smoking.

12. Only now and then he sniffs glue.

13. He has his own stall - in the basement of his parents.

14. For him, "make yourself smart" means putting on trousers.

15. He dresses like a guy from the Proll series "Jersey Shore".

16. He falls below the bad breath distance after a few minutes.

17. He says "Yolo".

18. He speaks like Jesse Pinkman from "Breaking Bad".

19. He likes to "chill" at teen parties.

20. He has a house ban in the zoo.

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