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Sewing yoga cushions yourself: That's how it works

Cutting template and sewing instructions for the yoga pillow are available free of charge from us.
Photo: deco & style

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Meditation is part of yoga. And that works only in a relaxed, comfortable posture. This floor cushion is perfect for this.

That's what you need for the yoga pillow:

  • template
  • Computer, printer and paper
  • Fabrics with different patterns
  • Sewing machine and matching yarn
  • 2 buttons
  • fiberfill
  • paper scissors
  • fabric scissors
  • French chalk
  • pins
  • sewing needle


And that's how easy it is:

1. Print the template and cut it out along the outer lines. Transfer and cut the template 5 times on each of the three fabrics using a tailor's chalk.

2. Cut out the template along the inner line and draw it in the fabric rhombus. These are the seam lines.

3. Now work according to the sketch: Merge the lozenges of fabric 1 with the longitudinal tips in a star shape inwards, pin them along the seam lines with the pins and sew them together. Same procedure with substance 3.

4. Now pin the lozenges of fabric 2 across the points of fabric 3 and sew them on.

5. Then place the two fabric plates on top of each other right-to-right and put the edges together as shown on the template and sew them together. Leave one side open to turn the fabric. To turn the cushion cover from left to right.

6. When the cover has been turned, sew on the buttons in the middle at the top and bottom, so that the remaining thread goes inside the pillow. From inside the two threads together, so that the pillow gets a nice shape later.

7. Place the filling in the pillow and sew the opening by hand.

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