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Editor'S Choice

I prefer to live unusual


Style does not have to be expensive: The author's inspiring examples show how anyone with a little imagination, good ideas and a few favorite pieces can set wonderful accents in his home. And with a mix of old, modern, inherited, collected, found and purchased. With the help of the book, a personal and distinctive style of living can be developed ...

Here, no styled and impersonal model homes are presented here. On the contrary, it is important for the author to show that all things that surround us have an influence on us. Our apartment is like a second skin. We have to feel comfortable in it. She protects us. It offers retreats and at the same time many projection surfaces for our individuality. That's why we should shape our home through ourselves, because our apartment also shapes us ...

Title: I prefer to live unusual

Author: Jana Jung

Publisher: Callwey Verlag

ISBN: 3766716727

Release Date: 2006

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