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Smile-Project: Orphan wants to make people happy

Jaden has recently become orphaned. But he handles the loss impressively.
Photo: mstashers Instagram

He wants to see people smile

He lost both mother and father within a short time. But instead of mourning, the orphan boy wants to make other people happy.

It is always impressive how children react in difficult life situations and what strength they show while the world around them collapses. An example of this is six-year-old Jaden Hayes.

At just four, the boy lost his father two years ago. But the loss was soon followed by the next: two weeks ago his mother died unexpectedly. She just did not wake up again.

So Jaden suddenly became an orphan within two years. Now the 6-year-old is growing up with his aunt and daughter. But instead of being pulled down by the loss, the boy shows incredible strength. The funeral was a turning point in his grief. He'd had enough of the grim faces, the pain that surrounded him. Jaden made a decision: he wants to make people happy.

A photo posted by Tasha Compton (@mstashers) on Jul 23, 2015 at 1:13 pm PDT

So Jaden found a way of dealing with the loss: The orphan started the "Smile Project" on July 22nd. His mission: to bring a smile to 500 people ! For this he goes with his aunt on the streets of Savannah, to look out for sad looking people to keep. He gives his beaming smile to them. In case that this is not enough to cheer up, the boy has small gift bags with sweets and toys, which he distributes.

A photo posted by WSB-TV (@wsbtv) on Jul 24, 2015 at 10:34 am PDT

The plan is working. 275 people have already made Jaden happy. And everyone else helps the orphan to get over his grief. He does not only donate strangers, but especially his family. Jadens aunt and cousin are fascinated by the joie de vivre of the six-year-old. Thanks to him, the laughter was not lost in such difficult time.

The boy's smile is indeed contagious. He wants to make other people happy - and manages to overcome the grief. His actions are inspiring.

A photo posted by Hali (@ racersgirlfriend15) on Jul 27, 2015 at 4:31 pm PDT
