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Shock: man has 20 maggots under the skin

Photo: Screenshot / AppleDailyEnglish

Tumbufliege as a holiday souvenir

It happened again: Animals made themselves comfortable under the skin of a human being. This time, a man brings along 20 maggots from vacation!

Spiders, gadflies and moths were heard crawling in the body or under the skin of people. Lately, the disgust shocks seem to pile up, as well as the number of animals in this man's body.

Chinese Mr. Ma spent six months working in Africa. When he returns to his homeland, he notices a whole series of small red dots on the skin covering his leg and stomach. When touched the man feels pain, but he hopes for a sole disappearance of peculiar pimples.

Mr. Ma waits two whole weeks until he visits a dermatologist. Meanwhile, the man suffers from high fever, on the red dots have formed small holes in the skin. The doctor recognizes the disease: It is not at all pimples, but the breathing holes of maggots, sitting in the body of the man. The shock is great.

The African Tumbufliege creeps after hatching under the skin of a man to feed on him as a host. The maggots dig small holes in the skin through which they can breathe. The man comes away with a shock. The doctor surgically removes 20 maggots from his skin.
