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Editor'S Choice

Robert Pattinson feels like a prostitute

R-Patz longs for really cool movies

Robert Pattinson / ©

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart fit together really well, at least when it comes to complaining about their job and make it unpopular. Currently the most sought-after actor in Hollywood, they are both still struggling with their oh so annoying fame and the awkward "Twilight" image that clings to them. In a recent interview with "DAPD News Berlin" Rob once again delivered a brilliant performance in From careless comments on when he sounded, he felt in sex scenes we are a high paid prostitute. He cashed $ 60 million for "Cosmopolis" - in fact no fake call-boy salary, which ... Robert Pattinson made his visit to Cannes even more arrogant, because while he was promoting his new thriller, he pulled all of them through the flower his previous roles in the dirt, the gigantic vampire blockbuster to which he owes his success. "When you are invited to Cannes as an actor, you can see yourself in a different light. Maybe I can do really cool movies now. "Ouch, that was sitting, sounding just as arrogant as ungrateful, or what do you think? SE
