- Shelf (eg
- from Ikea)
- MDF boards (hardware store)
- Malerkrepp (hardware store)
- Lacquer in red and pink (eg 2-in-1 lacquer from Alpina, DIY store)
- Paint roller (hardware store)
- pencil
- Hammer and nails
1. In the DIY store MDF cut boards for the shelf back wall.
2. Mark the height of the shelves on the plates.
3. The back is painted alternately in red and pink. Mask off the color transition at rack height with a crepe, paint one color and let it dry.
4. Carefully remove the painter's crepe and stick it on for the second color.
5. Paint second paint and let it dry. Remove the painter's crepe.
6. Attach new rear panel to the shelf with nails.