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Princess Caroline of Monaco: Dog love

How s : Princess Caroline of Monaco with cute puppies
Photo: Getty Images

Palace whispers

These days, photos went around the world showing Princess Caroline of Monaco (53) with two cute puppies in her arms. Is it theirs, or do they belong to daughter Charlotte (23), who was photographed on other shots as well?

It's worth taking a look at the archive: the Grimaldis have been dog fans for as long as they go through the media.

Every now and again four-legged animals appeared as pictures in princely companions. Big, small, dark, bright ... Especially Princess Stephanie liked to pose with strong shepherd dogs and dogs in a crunchy look. But are these actually also "loyal" four-legged friends? Meaning: Where are they actually. You see them on a few photos, and then they disappeared from the world of pictures at some point ...

Maybe they'll frolic on one of the many Grimaldi residences between Monaco and Paris, maybe they'll be given away or given custody elsewhere. Who knows?

Quite different with Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain (84) or Queen Margrethe of Denmark (70). Since you know for decades that their majesties rarely go out without Corgie or Dachshunds from the castle. Apparently the whole nation keeps a record of every single one of the small (often snappy) slaps.

If one of them does not come home punctually, the country is looking for the runaway. Somehow beautiful, every Brit and every Dane feels that dogs and royals are actually a family and not just friends for a short phase of life.
