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Prince William and Kate Middleton: Wedding invitation is out!

Invitations for the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
Photo: Getty images

The wedding of the year 2011

One thing is certain: they have been out since the beginning of this week - invitations to the 1900 guests who have the honor of attending the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton in London on April 29th. However, since hardly any of the recipients has waving joyfully with a letter of invitation from the Buckingham Palace in the cameras, it remains a few days a mystery, who is really there and who will not. Federal President Christian Wulff has received no invitation, reports Germany's largest tabloid. A regional newspaper from the same publishing house, on the other hand, wants to know: "Our Federal President is set." So it may still be speculated cheerfully: "David and Victoria Beckham are coming", one reads in the British mass newspaper "Sunday Express". Elsewhere, US President Barack Obama has not been dismissed because Prince William is only number two in the line of succession. It seems, however, to stand firm that Europe's royal and crown prince guards as well as the exile majesties may look forward to the festival in London, but not the German aristocracy, who is only scantily considered, one hears. The names of show-stars are also only unofficially acted, at least as long as Elton John and Kanye West in silence ...

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