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Breakdowns in social networks: So we deal with it!

Oops, one wrong click and it's done! This is the best way to deal with breakdowns and problems in social networks.
Photo: Erica Shires / Corbis

A guideline for life in social media

One wrong click - and it happened!

Social networks offer countless benefits, are fun and make life easier - but once you make a typing, social media shows its true, dirty face: From time to time bring Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even online dating habits in real distress!

How best to deal with the friend request of the unpleasant colleague? What do you do when a friend leaves an offensive comment on their own timeline? When is it time to quit Aunt Hildegard's friendship, which uploads ambiguous slogans on Instagram every day? And why is it all that hard for us? Why do not we just delete / ignore / remove?

All these questions are over! Here are eight solutions for the worst breakdowns and problems in social networks.

1. Behind the flirt in the dating app is a colleague

At some point it has to happen - after all, many new dating apps suggest as potential partners people from your immediate area. When this critical moment comes, just laugh about it - and send the colleague an e-mail with a screenshot: "Really funny, we just overlook that now."

2. Ignore a friend's friend request

Now it gets serious: Your colleague has sent you a friend request on Facebook. You do not know how to answer - after all, do you prefer to separate work and private life? Well, then you have two options: Either you clean up your profile quickly and mark all personal data as private, then scroll through the profile again, that here also find no negative comments on their job. Then click on "Accept". Or they just ignore the request and hope their colleague never starts again. Attention: The mood between you could be uncomfortable.

3. Delete an inappropriate comment

You posted an article about gender issues - but a former classmate wrote a completely sexist comment below? Just delete it - and it's good. If he or she posts again, speak to the person. And remember: Do not post it on a strange Facebook error that keeps dropping comments on your page - no, it was you!

4. Ignore a friend request from a family member

The Christmas party is a family thing - social media is not. You only post things that your grandmother would not be able to see? That's okay, and when the ignored family member addresses them, they just pretend to do him a favor - "Oh man, you do not want to see my Facebook!"

5. Announce the friendship to a Facebook friend

People move away from each other. This is true in real life - and also in social media. As you notice on Facebook? A birthday memory pops up - and they do not congratulate. Then it's time to make friends!

6. Ignore a Follow Request on Instagram

You have a private profile on Instagram - and someone you do not know or do not want on your list sends you a request? Simply ignore! Should you meet the person and it will be topic - just say "Instagram, I'm never there anyway!" Sure, that's a lie not to hurt anyone - and to avoid an unpleasant conversation. The truth, the person will not know anyway - after all, that's the beauty of a private account.

7. Reply to all 86 birthday congratulations

First of all: Congratulations on so many congratulations! But how do you properly thank? Who likes to spend all his birthday with "Thank you!" to comment and "like" to click? Or would you rather post a "thank you for all the congratulations" 24 hours later? The answer: you do not care. It's your birthday, you'd rather celebrate than romp around on Facebook!

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