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Editor'S Choice

My body is my business

my body is my business
Photo: Wilfried Hösl
  1. The ballerina
  2. The racer
  3. The Poledance teacher
  4. The action model
  5. Extreme sports as a profession

Sporting professions

How does a racer keep fit? What workout does an action model do? Four women about their extraordinary jobs - and what their bodies have to endure

The ballerina

Emma Barrowman, 27, is a dancer with the Bavarian State Ballet. The Canadian has been living in Germany for seven years.

"My body is my capital. I can only work as a ballerina because I take care of him so well. Once a week I go to physiotherapy or osteopathy and every evening I stretch at least half an hour. Life as a dancer is hard, of course it shows on my feet.

Destiny of a dancer

They are indeed very powerful and flexible, but not exactly beautiful - the fate of a dancer. Even as a teenager, music and dance were my lifeblood. I grew up in a 4, 500-soul village in the mountains of western Canada. At the age of thirteen, I went to a dance boarding school and from there to southern France to become a junior company, which is the precursor to a proper ensemble.

In the meantime, I have been in the ensemble of the Bavarian State Ballet in Munich for seven years. I pay close attention to what I eat, cooking fresh food every day, for example Thai food, even though after six hours of training I would like to just fall asleep. But I do not believe in diet, my body needs a lot of energy! If I have no idea from time to time, I like to go to clubs where electro or indie runs - and of course I drink a beer! "

Emma's favorite exercise for more power and balance

Vertical Leg Raise: Supine, both heels on an exercise ball, legs stretched. The arms rest on the side of the body. Raise pelvis, tense stomach, back straight. Stretch one leg up, hold for two seconds. Put on the ball and hold the other leg up, again. 20 x each leg.

The racer

Cyndie Allemann, 27, has been racing kart and car races since childhood. Currently she is moderating the broadcast "Auftrag Auto" on Sport 1. "I practically grew up in the pit lane because my dad was a racing driver. Therefore, the question never arose for me, if, but only when I would drive car racing. At the age of seven, I sat in a kart for the first time and loved it! Of course, being a girl is not so easy - you have to prevail against guys because there are no races for women only.

But I showed everyone that I have what it takes to become a racer. At age 13, I became European champion in kart racing - and was faster than 100 guys. To this day, I drove in different classes: Formula Renault, Formula 3, but also GT races, for example in an Audi R8. During the racing season, which lasts from March to October, I have to be in top form.

Core training for the racetrack

Especially in the abdomen, neck, shoulders and arms, I need muscles to defy the enormous centrifugal forces and to keep the steering wheel under control at speed 300. I train like a triathlete four times a week, go swimming, running and cycling for one hour each.

In addition, there is an hour of core workout three times a week. I am one hundred percent concentrated during the race. As soon as I'm wearing my race suit, I have the tunnel vision - and that's good, because any tight corner could be my last, if I'm not alert. There are no friends on the racetrack. I just want to be the fastest. "

Cyndie's best core exercise

Slow motion Sit-Ups Supine, hands behind the neck. Slowly raise the upper body by about 30 centimeters, hold it for five seconds and lower it until just above the ground - hold it there again for five seconds. 30 times

The Poledance teacher

Alexandra Hempel, 34, has been giving dance lessons for four years. She has her own studio in Munich (Munich Poledance)

"I wanted to be a dancer since I was little. But my parents did not respond enthusiastically, advising me to learn a decent job. With a heavy heart, I gave in and became a font and graphic painter, so for example drew advertising posters. As a balance to the job I sought a sport that combines dance and artistry.

That's how I discovered pole dance in 2009. I found the idea appealing to learn something that not everyone can. Even as I mastered the first figures, I was fascinated: Poledance looks graceful, but is very demanding in terms of sport - an intensive whole body workout. Especially the many holding positions are exhausting, you need the same amount of strength and endurance.

The own dance school

In 2010, I fulfilled my dream, put everything on a map and opened a dance school in Munich. Today I give group classes up to seven hours a day, my participants are between 16 and 55 years old. Most of all, I am pleased with the positive feedback and when I see them becoming more self-confident every hour - that's exactly what Pole Dance has become. "

Alexandra's full body move

Classic Plank: Lie prone on the forearms and toes, place the rest of the body in a line parallel to the floor. Press actively out of the shoulders, stay stable in the trunk, hold the pelvis straight and pull the belly button inwards so that the lower lumbar area is slightly round or in extension of the spine - no hollow back! Hold this position for one minute. For professionals: pull the opposite leg to the arm and stretch out to the back and set down. Three times ten repetitions

The action model

Miriam Höller, 26, was only a stunt woman, in 2010 she finished fifth in "Germany's Next Top Model". Today she works as an action model

"In my job one needs above all courage. And of course a body that can endure a lot. As a child, I always had grazes because I climbed wildly on trees. After school, I trained as a sports and fitness trainer, but in the office, I did not last long.

That's why I was looking for a new challenge - and found her at the stunt school "Movie Park Germany" in Bottrop. There I learned to fall down a staircase and to beat myself so that nothing happened. Since then, I also know how to burn - that's one of the toughest stunts ever.

Extreme sports as a profession

The 'fire wings' are meanwhile even my trademark. Since 2008 I also accept modeling jobs that are too dangerous for normal models. For the perfume brand 4711, for example, I had to hold my breath for a long time during an underwater shoot. I carried the fire wings in an episode of 'Alarm for Cobra 11'.

The training for my job is easy for me, because without sports I would go in like a flower without water. I do strength exercises in the studio, preferably with free weights. I train my condition and coordination in kitesurfing, racing cycling and snowboarding.

Mentally, I like extreme sports like skydiving fit, because as a stunt woman you must not be afraid, otherwise you cramp. In a 12-meter jump from a rooftop, I once squeezed my lungs, pain can not be avoided in my job. "

Miriam's tips for more exercise in everyday life

Take only every second step when climbing stairs, this forms a nice butt. Support the television with your hands on the sofa edge, your legs are stretched long, your heels on the floor. Then push the body upwards. Or try "interval cooking": stir sauce, push-up, stir sauce, push-up!

There are even more workout tips here >>
