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Mädelsflohmarkt: selling vintage clothes really smart

You're into fashion, you want to reinvent yourself over and over again and you love the expensive labels? Then it's yours, like Klara Kadlec and Kristin Rosche.

Good weather and a good mood: That's what the Mädelsflohmarkt looks like.
Photo: Mädelsflohmarkt

In Hamburg and Berlin, the two fashion-enthusiastic girlfriends organize the Mädelsflohmarkt.

At some point, Klara and Kristin had no desire to pull over Hamburg's flea markets early in the morning and yet not find what they were looking for. In addition, the girls' wardrobe was chronically overcrowded. But where to go with the clothes? Since most of the pieces were far too good to sell between old junk, the two of them decided in 2008 to make their own flea market from gals to gals.

And with a completely new concept: Here, well-preserved vintage fashion is sold at decent prices and there are still drinks and DJs. "We wanted to do something new. A flea market with stylish fashion that is fun, "tell the two.

Quick the Mädelsflohmarkt - at that time only in Hamburg - rumgesprochen. And for good reason: Here you can find true design bargains. Fashion bloggers have quickly discovered this and started to report about the event and sell it themselves.

After the first appointments, Kristin and Klara - who normally work as a PR consultant and fashion designer - brought sponsors to the girls flea market boat. Incidentally, the girlfriends do not make money from the flea market. They organize the whole thing out of a passion for fashion - even though both of them work full time and have family.

Meanwhile, not only the girls flea market, but also the goodie bags, which are distributed every time, hot coveted. The first 500 guests of the flea market can expect a stylish jute bag with accessories, cosmetics and vouchers. The flea market founders are supported by brands such as Vans, Bershka or American Apperal.

But who wants to tap a goodie bag, must be fast. About 1500 mostly female bargain hunters visit the flea market on average. The two have 10, 000 fans on their Facebook page. Reason enough to expand: In the meantime, there is also the Hamburger Mädelsflohmarkt in Berlin.

The next shopping marathon will take place on the 2nd of August in Berlin on the Urban Spree site. The next flea market in Hamburg is on 07. September. The registration to take part starts in August. For a cheap booth rental you can sell your vintage treasures.

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