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Editor'S Choice

Maritime table decoration: Holiday feeling for the home

This table decoration makes us think of a beautiful day by the sea
Photo: deco & style

Like a day at the sea

Just give your dinner with friends a motto. How about a touch of the sea? The table decoration you get from us.

Whether you have just been to the Mediterranean and want to indulge in holiday memories or just want to bring a little sea flair in your home, with this table decoration you can not go wrong.

From the invitation card to the lukewarm lantern, we have everything you need for an atmospheric dinner with your loved ones.

What you need for the invitations:

  • Stationery Ironing Bottles (eg from the flea market)
  • Nature tape
  • Small white shells (craft shop)
  • scissors
  • felt-tip pen

And that's how easy it is:

1. Cut paper to match the ironing bottle and label. Roll up paper and knot with natural ribbon.

2. Fill small shells into the bottle and place the invitation.

Props: Oblates (Glittering) "Zauberzander": Cherry Interior; 1, 80 €, rest: own

That's what you need for the napkins:

  • Picture sheet with fish
  • Watercolor paint and brush
  • Napkins natural ribbon / parcel cord
  • scissors

And that's how easy it is:

1. Cut out fish and dye them with water color very easily.

2. Roll up the napkins and wrap them with natural ribbon, put the cut fish under them.

Prop: picture sheet "Pisces": Cherry Interior; 1 €, rest: own

You need it for the fish sandwiches:

  • Ciabatta Bread Mix (Supermarket)
  • yeast
  • water
  • Mixing bowl
  • oven
  • rolling pin
  • possibly photo carton
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • pointed knife

And that's how easy it is:

1. Prepare ciabatta bread mix according to manufacturer's instructions, roll out on baking sheet and bake. Let the bread cool.

2nd make a fish stencil out of cardboard. Cut fish shapes out of the bread with a sharp knife.

Props: all own

That's what you need for the lanterns:

  • Glass lanterns (eg from the depot)
  • Natural band (depot approx. 3 €)
  • Hot glue gun and hot glue
  • Sand, shells, candle in blue
  • scissors

And that's how easy it is:

1. Cut off pieces of equal length from the roll of tape 8, each thread must be three times longer than the lantern.

2. Wind a thread around the neck of the lantern and knot it. At this thread the 8 long pieces evenly distributed all around.

3. Loosely connect two adjacent threads with a double knot. Make sure that large stitches are formed. Pick up the next two threads and repeat the process. The knots should all lie horizontally at the same height.

4. Once all the threads are knotted, the second row follows. To do this, take a thread from the first knot and a thread from the following knot and join them with a double knot, creating a new stitch in the middle of the top two stitches. Repeat this process until the second course is finished knotted.

5. Same procedure for the third row. Repeat the process until you arrive at the edge of the lantern.

6. Turn over the lantern and fix the threads on the bottom of the vase with hot glue.

7. Fill the lantern with sand, shells and candle.

Prop: jellyfish: € 17.95, decorative tag fish: depot; Set of 2 € 1.99, rest: own
