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Jan Fedder: disappeared without a trace!

Jan Fedder has not been seen for weeks
Photo: Imago / APress

After the cancer shock

Even neighbors have not seen the actor for weeks.

Big hype in Hamburg: The team from "Neues aus Büttenwarder" (NDR) celebrated the 15th anniversary of the popular series. All were there - only one missing: the star of the series, Jan Fedder (57).

"Jan has withdrawn, does not want to talk right now, " says colleague Axel Olsson (65). Two episodes had to be shot without him. "That was very sad, it lacks an essential part."

None of the team currently has contact with Jan Fedder . He completely withdrew. Apparently, the cancer shock a few weeks ago very bad.

It was said that the suspicion of a palate tumor had not been confirmed. Fedder should, however, allegedly be treated "as a precautionary measure" with radiation. A method that is actually only applied after the removal of a carcinoma ...

We researched, wanted to bring the charming roughneck from the "big city district" on behalf of many readers recovery wishes. But Jan Fedder has disappeared without a trace . The old farm in Schleswig-Holstein, his retreat, is orphaned. The apartment in Hamburg-St. Pauli - dark. The neighbors are at a loss.

Axel Olsson: "We know that he is doing well in the circumstances." That can mean a lot. Maybe he just needs a break after the shock. Hopefully nothing worse is behind it. "

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