Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Jack-o-lantern on the terrace

  • Sharp kitchen knife
  • Big pumpkin (Gem seh ndler)
  • spoon
  • Cookie cutter in four-pointed star shape (department store)
  • pen
  • Small sharp kitchen knife
  • candle
  • Possibly. lemon juice


Use the sharp knife to cut out a lid from the pumpkin.

2. Use the spoon to scrape all the pulp out of the pumpkin and use it elsewhere.

3. Place the cookie cutter on the pumpkin, trace the motif with a ballpoint pen. Repeat the process until a nice pattern has been created.

4. Cut out motifs with the small sharp knife.

5. Place a candle in the pumpkin and place it in the desired location.

Tip: If the interfaces of the motifs and the border are covered with lemon juice, the pumpkin stays fresh longer.

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