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Definition, causes and course of disease of facial paralysis

Facial paralysis is a temporary disorder of the nerves. At first it is a shock: suddenly the face can not move properly anymore and it is partly frozen. The facial paralysis usually has no clear organic cause. Scientists suggest that internal processes exert too much pressure on the facial nerve, which runs on the right and left side of the face. In other cases, infection and inflammation interfere with its function. Especially bacteria that are transmitted by tick bites, and certain herpesviruses are responsible.

Also skull and brain injuries can damage the facial nerve, as well as tumors, strokes or diabetes. Usually only half of them are affected by facial paralysis . In a nervous disorder within the brain it comes only in the lower part of the face to paralysis. The forehead can still be wrinkled. Frequently, however, the external nerve reacts incorrectly. Then the corner of the mouth hangs awry and the eyelids can not be closed. The facial nerve is associated with the tongue and lacrimal glands. Therefore, taste and tear flow can be disturbed.


Curing facial paralysis is easy if there is no underlying disease: in 80% of cases, it will happen by itself within half a year. Cortisone treatment may be useful in the first few hours after the symptoms have appeared. An inclosable eye must be protected from dehydration by ointments or a flap.

Prevention and self-help

Facial paralysis usually occurs without a clear cause. That's why there are no special ways to prevent it. If facial paralysis occurs, facial gymnastics relaxes the muscles, relaxes the facial expressions and thus promotes the healing process.

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