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Salary calculator for mothers: What would you earn?

Photo: Screenshot Interflora / Mum Salary Calculator

Mother's salary calculator tells you what your performance is worth

If being a mother was a paid job, many of us would have quickly made it. A British florist has now developed a mothers payroll calculator.

Mothers are not "just" mothers. They are teachers, chauffeurs, cooks, doctors, friends, even real superheroes ... Would anyone pay their benefits fairly, what would mothers earn?

The British florist Interflora has also wondered and developed a mother's salary calculator .

The salary calculator calculates the annual salary of mothers based on the average wages of different professions in the UK:

For example, as an average mother, are you driving your kids from A to B four hours a week? A chauffeur would receive for it 2, 496 pounds (3, 470 euros, here it goes to a currency converter) in the year. About nine hours a week, on the whole, do you spend shopping, cooking, and ultimately eating (and feeding) your family's food? For a cook would get 7, 876.43 pounds (10, 951 euros). What would a teacher, a pediatrician, a cleaner, a psychologist, and a personal assistant get for such services a mother provides on a daily basis?

And so, in the end, an annual salary for mothers, which puts the simple chocolates for Mother's Day in the throat.

By the way: Although the calculator is called " MUM Salary Calculator", of course fathers can also calculate how much they would earn for their childcare.

Click here for the salary calculator for mothers >>

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