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First scandal at the Bachelor!

One of the candidates is already married!

Bachelor Jan and Nina / RTL, Stefan Gregorowius

Now it comes out - the pretty model Nina, also called "Barbie", is under the hood since December last year! Why does she look for her dream husband in the show, if she seems to have already found him? In front of a TV camera, the 24-year-old described her dream man like this: "He should be sporty, intelligent, humorous and honest ... ". But should not you just expect what you can hold yourself? Honesty does not seem to be her strength! In love, engaged, married - and Nina is not divorced! Born in Kazakhstan and a trained educator, she is now to be married to a millionaire - RTL and the Bachelor did not seem to know anything about it! Nina's husband is the 45-year-old cosmetics mogul Fernando Fasini, as reported by "". According to the newspaper, the make-up millionaire confirmed: "Yes, it's true. We got married on 29.12.2012 ". Next "" writes that Nina, who was so shocked in the first episode that Jan has children, is also stepmother of a 9-year-old daughter. Her name is Gina-Marie and is from the millionaire's first marriage.RTL spokesman Konstantin von Stechow reports to "": "Nina assured us before the start of production, to be single. For RTL there was no reason to doubt their statement ". Why the blonde at all at "The Bachelor" participate, is still unclear. Her husband did not comment on the reasons. Jan, however, commented on the love-deception and explained "": "Nina has been acting on me for a long time as if she has a secret. Now I realize why ". All information on" The Bachelor "in the special at
