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Editor'S Choice

You will NEVER hear these 10 unfriendly phrases from your cashier

They are part of our daily lives, but mostly we pay little attention to them. Cashiers sell us every day every day. But we think little about them. There is certainly plenty of what a cashier would like to tell us - but of course never would. For example:

Cashiers are always there for us
Photo: Istock
  1. 1. "Yes, I could open another box office ... If it were not my permanently saving boss, who does not hire people and we would not be completely understaffed anyway."
  2. 2. "You do not have to say thank you, but if 9 out of 10 people do not even know the simplest rules of courtesy, then I'll eventually be rude."
  3. 3. "How would you feel if you had to sit in a dark supermarket all day?"
  4. 4. "Yeah, my hands do not look great, maybe that's because I have disgusting small change all day long."
  5. 5. "Of course you can pay by card and think for a little while how your PIN will go - there are only 15 other people behind you ..."
  6. 6. "No, credit card is ALWAYS NOT!"
  7. 7. "Of course it would be nice if all the shops were open 24 hours a day, but actually I like to sleep at night."
  8. 8. "Oh, you forgot something else, but that will only fill you in at the cash register? Sure, then you can run away fast again." Only the other customers in line who are in the queue are stupid look at the time grimly and make it responsible. "
  9. 9. "It would be really nice if someone could show the mother with the screaming child."
  10. 10. "Yes, a piece really costs extra! And it has been a really long time!"

1. "Yes, I could open another box office ... If it were not for my permanently saving boss, who does not hire people and we would not be completely understaffed anyway."

2. "You do not have to say thank you, but if 9 out of 10 people do not even know the simplest rules of eligibility, then someday I will be unfriendly."

3. "How would you feel if you had to sit in a dark supermarket all day?"

4. "Yeah, my hands do not look great, maybe it's because I have disgusting small change all day long."

5. "Of course you can pay by card and think for a little while how your PIN will go - there are only 15 other people behind you ..."

6. "No, credit card is ALWAYS NOT!"

7. "Of course it would be nice if all the shops were open 24 hours a day, but actually I like to sleep at night."

8. "Oh, you forgot something else, but that only comes to you at the cash register? Sure, then you can run away fast again." There are only the other customers in the queue who look at me grimly in the meantime and for that make responsible."

9. "It would be really nice if someone could leave the mother with the screaming child."

10. "Yeah, a bag really costs extra! And it's been a really long time!"

