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Editor'S Choice

Dick through Photoshop: Celebrities in Plus Size

Yes, that's Katy Perry! After a Photoshop artist subjected her to an XXL makeover.
Photo: News Dog Media

"These women look overweight much better"

The secret weapon of the celebrities: Photoshop! Cellulite dings and extra pounds are simply wiped away on the computer. But now an artist cheats stars dozens of pounds heavier. So you have never seen the celebrities!

The skin as tender as a peach, legs up to the sky, full hair, an even complexion and long, slender legs - and not even a tiny wrinkle! The celebrities are so immaculately presented on billboards and magazine covers. Dear ladies, we can breathe! Because even stars and supermodels are not spared by pimples, hip gold or cellulite. Their supposedly perfect appearance is due to image editing programs like Photoshop .

The exaggerated beauty craze is driven to the extreme by Spanish artist David Lopera . He just turned the tables and gave the celebrities a plus size makeover . The result? A colorful bunch of pictures that invite you to smile, and once again make it clear: We are all just human, no matter what body measurements.

In an interview with the British Daily Mail, the 20-year-old photo-editing artist said: "These women look overweight much better."

"Fat women are beautiful, but there are so many people who do not see it, " says David Lopera. "Maybe they will finally realize that when they see my pictures."

How healthy is the body ideal that Lopera wants to propagate with these pictures remains to be seen. But in a world where Photoshop is only used to make everyone and everything even slimmer, these images are a welcome (and honestly, really funny) variety.

All pictures can be found here. Or directly on TheOMGDaily.

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