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Editor'S Choice

Cellulite: How does it get taut?

Many women have to fight with cellulite.
Photo: PR

For a crisp silhouette

No, there is still no miracle cure. But we have: lots of good tips, great new methods and products that (almost) make cellulite disappear

Can you really get rid of cellulite ? No. You can not do that. No matter how much you cream, massage and sport. But: You can now significantly reduce cellulite !

The right skin food for cellulite

Good, we love chocolate . But you should also know: sugars, sweeteners, finished products, nicotine, alcohol, stress, little exercise - all this upsets our body's acid-base balance. Foods (such as meat, sugar, coffee) that the body turns into acid cause the tissues to weaken and we get cellulite . You can counteract this with a basic diet (vegetables, salad, fruits) and plenty of vitamin C (especially in currants, peppers, cabbage, kiwis, citrus fruits and strawberries).

Effective against cellulite - the best tips and creams can be found in the picture gallery.

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