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Bauer sucht Frau "changed the life of Peter

For Ackerbauer Peter, the RTL format "Bauer sucht Frau" brought with it some changes.
Photo: RTL

The timid farmer

He still does not know who ever signed him up to " Bauer sucht Frau ", but he can be grateful to him or her. Because this show changed the life of the shy agriculturist Peter (30). In 2012 he joined the show and since then nothing is the same as before.

When the promise of RTL came that Peter could join in "Bauer sucht Frau", he hesitated first. Two weeks he let the offer go through his head, only then he agreed. Luckily!

Not only that Peter has met his new girlfriend Nicole (33) through " Farmer Wants a Wife ", in his hometown he is now almost like a star. "We have real pilgrims here, " Nicole told the "Saarbrücker Zeitung". She and Peter can not even go shopping without being stared at. Many tourists travel to their small town just to get a picture of Nicole and her Peter.

It is important for both of them to make it clear that they were completely themselves with "Bauer sucht Frau". "We were worried that we would not be embarrassed."
