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Bathroom: Here hide the germs

Photo: iStock

Carefree, because germ-free

As thorough as we clean the bathroom, some small places can always be overlooked. Especially because sometimes we do not even know where the germs hide.

The bathroom is the business card of the house. As the linchpin of our daily lives, it is used most often and therefore needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

The damp and usually pleasantly warm room climate in the bathroom contributes to the fact that germs form faster here than in other rooms. Regular cleaning is therefore mandatory. Washbasin, bath and shower should be wiped daily with a dry cloth to prevent the formation of bacteria. We recommend cleaning the entire bathroom once a week. In doing so, the smallest corners and angles should be taken into consideration. The toilet, of course, is not spared from germs. It should therefore also be cleaned daily.

In addition to the toilet interior, the lid of the toilet should be cleaned. Wipe it off as often as possible. Many family members touch him several times a day, so that can accumulate here just viruses, bacteria or other disease carriers.

Even in the cracks between the tiles or in corners and edges around the shower or bath, a fine film of soap scraps and microorganisms often forms. This can be overlooked before, but he should not.

Also take a closer look at the shower hose! Brownish deposits usually accumulate unnoticed in its grooves. Helps against: brush.

To prevent mold, the bath should also be ventilated regularly. Immediately after a hot bath or shower you should breathe. Open the window completely for a few minutes, allowing the humid air to escape. Water residues on the floor or the shower wall should be removed. Avoid fabric curtains in small bathrooms. These can also accumulate moisture.
