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instructions Cup

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Photo: MEZ GmbH

You need this:

  • Color 00102 (natural) 1 ball
  • Color 00122 (gold) 1 ball
  • Color 00130 (cherry) 1 ball
  • Color 00171 (emerald) 1 ball
  • Color 00150 (indigo) 1 ball
  • Milward crochet hook No. 9

Check the bands and use only balls of the same color lot. The material consumption can vary from person to person.

Notes on the instructions:

Approximately 34 cm in diameter and 28 cm high.

solid M = solid mesh
Warp = warp stitch
Luftm = air mesh
M = stitch
Rd = round

Crochet pattern with crochet hooks No. 9: 11 solid M and 10 Rd = 10 x 10 cm.
If the mesh size is different, use thicker or thinner needles.
Attention: A thinner needle size than indicated on the banderole is used to get the basket "stand".

Crochet pattern: Crochet the ground in a spiral Rd with solid M and the side in the strip sequence with "relief-solid M from the back".
1 Relief-solid M from the back : Crochet the relief-solid M from the back around the solid M of the front-Rd, from the back in front of the solid st and M after the firm M out, pull the thread and then the solid M as usual work.
Duplicate 1 st: Crochet 2 solid sts in 1 solid M of the previous round.
Strip sequence: Crochet 4 rounds each in indigo, nature, gold, nature, cherry, nature and emerald.

And this is how it's done:

The basket is started on the ground. For the ground spiral Rd work with fixed M.
Cast on 4 ml of air in indigo, close with 1 warp to the ring and mark the Rd-transition with a contrasting thread.
ROUND 1: Crochet 8 solid sts into the ring after 1 round of air.
2nd round: Double every other st, otherwise crochet 1 size st in each st from beg of round = 12 sts.
3rd round: double every 2 sts = 18 sts.
4th round: double every 3 sts = 24 sts.
Tip: To get a uniform circular shape, increase the increments in each odd Rd!
ROUND 5: Double the 2nd sts, then double every 4th st, finish with 2 sts M = 30 sts.
6th round: double every 5th st = 36 sts.
ROUND 7: Double the 3rd st, then double every 6 sts, ending with 3 sts = 42 sts.
ROUND 8: Double every 7 sts = 48 sts.
ROUND 9: Double the 4th st, then double every 8th st, ending with 4 sts = 54 sts.
ROUND 10: Duplicate every 9 sts = 60 sts.
ROUND 11: Double the 5th st, then double every 10 sts, ending with 5 sts M = 66 sts.
ROUND 12: Double every 11 sts = 72 sts.
ROUND 13: Duplicate 6 sts then double every 12th sts, ending with 6 sts = 78 sts.
ROUND 14: Double every 13 sts = 84 sts.
ROUND 15: Duplicate every 7 sts = 96 sts.
This completes the soil. Then work in the stripe sequence and with relief-solid M the side in spiral-Rd. After the 24th round = last round in natural in the 25th round for the handles crochet in emerald as follows: 16 relief solid sts, the following 16 sts of the front round with 14 round sts, 32 relief sts M, the Pass the following 16 sts of pre-round with 14 lm, 16 relief-solid sts. In the 26.-28. Continue working on relief-solid sts, crocheting 16 solid sts each on the 26th round around the air bends of the previous round. Finish the last round with 1 sl st in the starting st in the round.

Sew all threads in the same color area. the
Tighten the cups, moisten and allow to dry.

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