Creative timepiece
This watch is sure to attract admiring glances and is also a great gift idea for book lovers. Here are the instructions.
You need this for the clock:
- Book (flea / antiquarian bookshop)
- Quartz movement (eg of idea, about 7.30 €)
- Schneidelineal
- cutter
- pencil
And that's how easy it is:
1. Draw the dimensions of the movement with pencil on the inside of the book cover to mark the exact position of the round bar for the hands.
2. Cut a hole in the book cover for this rod so that it looks out later.
3. Close the book cover and trace the hole just cut out with the pen so that it can be seen on the first page of the book.
4. Use this to draw the circumference of the entire movement on the first page of the book (just add a few millimeters).
5. Cut the recorded square using the cutter and cutting ruler. Probably the first cut does not give you the total depth needed to sink the movement. In this case, remove the first cut sides and then continue cutting until the movement fits in with all its depth.
6. Place the movement in the hole, close the book cover. Now screw the nut and the pointers on the protruding rod.