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10 ways to really help a new mom

In particular, the first few months can be very stressful for the newly mum, so try to support your girlfriend.
Photo: iStock

This is the best way to help stressed mothers

No question: the joy is huge, once the long-awaited offspring is born in the world. But just the first months after birth can be quite stressful. A good friend is in this situation right now? Then help her with these tips.

1. Take the whole family for a walk

Fresh air is good for everyone. However, newly minted mothers or parents do not make it so often at the door, as perhaps before the child. Make sure you have the necessary motivation and take the whole family out to nature.

2. Go shopping for them

First of all, packing the diaper bag and then heading off to the supermarket with the bulky stroller can be quite exhausting. Take this burden off your girlfriend and go shopping for her. Another suggestion: Jump in as a babysitter and give her the time to do her own shopping and in peace.

3. Give her something useful

Yes, we know how much cute baby clothes there are out there, but if mothers are honest, most of the time they do not even know where to go with all the clothes and toys they get for their child. Give something useful for a change, something that really needs every mother.

4. Try to spare her extra stress

The mother-in-law has already announced herself for the third time in a week? As soon as the girlfriend tells something like that, you should be alert. Because if you know when Mother-in-Law is passing by, you can be there to act as a distraction .

5. Do not judge

Be the person in the life of your friend who remains value-free and does not comment on her actions and statements. In the first few months after birth, there are enough people who judge what your girlfriend does and says.

6. Employ older siblings

Your girlfriend does not have only one, but maybe two or three kids now? Help her by temporarily employing the older siblings - for example, when she's about to put the youngest family member to bed.

7. Give her a free evening

Talk to your girlfriend's partner or get her a babysitter so that she can spend the evening with her undisturbed. Your first port of call: Probably no bar or club, because the newly mum is probably too tired for it. But do it for dinner. She will relax directly if she does not have a child on her lap while eating, so she tries to feed herself while she takes a few bites herself.

8. Share mistakes

You are mother yourself? Then talk to your friend about your own experiences shortly after birth. Do not hide your own mistakes and worries. It will build her up and hopefully make her do not doubt herself.

9. Create or search for a toddler group

A crawling or children's group is a great setting for parents to interact with people in the same situation. If you already have a toddler group, you can even try to introduce your girlfriend to your group after a certain time at home. You do not have a children's group yet? Then start one!

10. Show her that you think about her

A short message with a few funny words, a funny video - send these little messages to her friend to show her that you think about her. In a quiet moment, she can then enjoy these attentions and will be relieved that her friends are always behind her - even if she can not answer immediately.
