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Draw strength from the melancholy!

Melancholy: A little blues is important to the soul ...
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  1. With tips for difficult phases
  2. Melancholy: Can Sadness Do Well?
  3. Melancholy: Deep sorrow is not depressive
  4. Melancholy: Whoever wants to experience happiness, must know bad luck

With tips for difficult phases

We all know them, the days when we seem to be down for no reason. We should not fight that feeling. Because a little blues is important for the soul

Melancholy: Can Sadness Do Well?

Modern Fortune Guides recommend: Think, boxe, smile away, which makes you sad. Because melancholy does not fit in the time, supposedly. The truth is: who rarely or never gives this feeling room, deals with soul problems. Because the various forms of sadness - from quiet blues to deep pain - usually precedes a failure or a loss. It depends on how deep the sadness goes, how long it lasts: It hurts when we lose our favorite ring. It rages violently when we fail to reach an important goal. It hurts cruelly when we lose a loved one.

The hardest task then is to accept losses, to adapt the worldview to the new situation, to learn to let go. Can help us rituals, z. For example, write a farewell letter, a morning meditation. Those who allow sadness and grief learn to appreciate the existing more. To relativize values. To enjoy good moments.

Melancholy: Deep sorrow is not depressive

In some losses, when the great lifelong dream bursts, when one leaves, a loved one dies, one has the feeling of falling into black nothingness. And at first it seems impossible to ever feel joie de vivre again. One cries, ponders, grieves, is desperate.

Psychologists call this phase of deep grief a "depressive mood". It takes time and people to come out of this low and see a light on the horizon. The thoughts and feelings that devastate there are not due to clinical depression, but to a thoughtful, sentient inner life. The good thing: People who consciously go through these phases of melancholy think deeply about it, learn from it, and make smart decisions for the future. Her eyes are not so easily clouded by pink glasses. Out of crisis, they emerge stronger.

In contrast, depression is a disease: the feelings are numb, you have no access to them, you lack motivation. A depressed person definitely needs medical help.

Melancholy: Whoever wants to experience happiness, must know bad luck

Actually a very simple equation: I can only appreciate one thing, even if I know how the other feels. Eternal happiness is a beautiful idea, but simply impossible. Already physiologically this is not possible: Just as the third bar of chocolate is no longer a taste experience, even lasting happiness is no longer perceived as a gift.

When we have achieved everything we wanted - family, job, home - and no more shaking us up, we forget the happiness perception. The tension in life, which arises through a constant ups and downs, is missing. We become dissatisfied, looking for kicks. And lose emotional depth, maturity and compassion. Whether quiet or intense pain, whether physical or mental, they make sure that we get on our own.

Our failures, our mistakes and the consequent mourning provide us with information about our actions and being in the world. Whenever something hurts or we feel loss, we listen in and initiate necessary corrections. Who is sad, asks: What happens to me? Why do not certain things succeed me? Why or in whom did I make a mistake? Which ideas do I have to throw overboard? Sadness is the chance to change, to adjust. To develop and grow. To experience happy moments again and appreciate satisfaction.
