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Video: The best reaction to loud phone calls

Photo: iStock / icon image

An annoying situation that we all know

Stingy phone calls in the train, in the waiting room or the queue in the supermarket can be quite annoying. This video shows from 0:53 probably the funniest reaction ever in such situations.

Do you know them, those moments when someone next door to you is talking incredibly loud and you can only wonder why some people clearly feel the need to share their private lives with everyone around them? Then, if you look at the video below, there are definitely some laughs guaranteed.

The following situation: Four women are sitting in the waiting room. Suddenly a cellphone rings. The woman goes to listen to the caller initially only. Shortly after, she starts to laugh loudly and does not get any more. Her laughter gets even louder, although the women around her already look annoyed in their direction. The woman sitting next to her does not stop there. Her pretty funny reaction shows up 0:53 ...

Whether it is actually correct to destroy the property of strangers, because one is angry about her loud phone calls, we do not want to discuss further here. But at least it is clear that it is great fun to watch the video .
