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Summer knittingKnitting pattern for a jacket with egyptian feather pattern

With the Egyptian feather pattern of this jacket you are always in the trend! Just try it on her with this knitting pattern.

Chic and summery: This jacket is perfect for balmy summer nights.
Photo: DROPS Design A / S

Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL (see dimensions in the dimensional sketch, to find in the PDF of the manual under the article!)

That's what you need for the jacket:

DROPS FABEL by Garnstudio (belongs to Yarn Group A):

  • 150-200-200-200-250-250 g Color 100, natural
  • 150-150-200-200-200-250 g color 904, lavender
  • 50-50-50-50-50-50 g color 103, gray blue


  • DROPS NEEDLE GAME No. 3, for the smooth right knitted part
  • DROPS ROUND NEEDLES No. 3, 40 cm long and 80 cm long, for the smooth right knitted part
  • DROPS NEEDLE GAME No. 2, 5, for the rib pattern
  • DROPS ROUND NEEDLE No. 2, 5, 80 cm length, for the ribbed pattern

The specification of the needle size is only a guide. If more stitches are required for 10 cm than indicated in the mesh sample, switch to a thicker needle size. If fewer stitches are required for 10 cm than indicated in the mesh sample, switch to a thinner needle gauge.

  • DROPS PEARL BUTTON, Concave (White) No. 521: 6-6-7-7-7-7 pcs

24 stitches in width and 32 rows in height smooth right = 10 x 10 cm. 26 meshes in width and 52 rows in height in full patent with zigzag pattern = 10 x 10 cm.

Notes on the instructions:


KRAUS RIGHT / KRAUSRIPPEN (in back and forth rows):
Knit the stitches in each row on the right.
1 garter = 2 rows of kraus on the right = 2 rows on the right.

KRAUS RIGHT ANGLE (due to the patent pattern, back and forth as follows):
1st row: Knit right.
2nd row (= back row): knit left.
3rd row (= back row): knit left.
4th row (= back row): knit right.

See diagrams A.1 and A.2. Select the diagram for the desired size. First pattern A.1A / A.2A is knitted (= ribbed pattern of the neck panel). When AA is knit 1 x in height, knit A.1B / A.2B over AA. When AB is knit 1 time in height, knit A.1C / A.2C over AB.

When knitting in the 2-color full patents, knit back and forth on the round needle as follows: Knit the 1st row as a back row with color-2, then push all the stitches back to the other end of the needle so that the next row is also marked Knitting back row, and then knitting this out-row with color-1. To use, work the 1st reverse row with color-2, slip the stitches back to the other side of the round needle and knit the next row as a back row, in color-1. So there were now 2 Hin rows knitted in each color and 2 back rows in each color.
The strips are knitted in the full patent, ie color-1 = the legal stitch knitted in the back row, color-2 = the left-hand stitch knitted in the back row. Watch out so that each strip ends after 2 reverse rows.
1. STRIP: color-1 = lavender, color-2 = natural. Knitting until the work has a total length of 5 cm at the shortest point.
2nd STRIP: color-1 = gray blue, color-2 = natural. Knitting until the work has a total length of 9 cm at the shortest point.
3. STRIP: color-1 = natural, color-2 = lavender. Knitting until A.1c and A.2c are knit 1 x in height.
The last row of the chart is a back row with lavender.
Then knit stripes at the yoke and the torso as follows (knit the crimps on the right as before):
1st row (= out-row): left with nature.
2nd row (= back row): right with lavender. Move all the stitches back to the other side of the round needle so that the next row can also be knitted as a back row.
3rd row (= back row): right with nature.
4th row (= out-row): left with lavender. Move all the stitches back to the other side of the round needle so that the next row can also be knit as a back row.
Repeat the 1st to 4th series continuously.

If you are not sure which color to knit the next row, you can always tell by the color of the mesh stitches which color the previous row was knit.

All stitches given when knitting in the full patent are calculated without any envelopes since the envelopes are in the right-hand stitch, so the legal stitch and its envelope count as 1 stitch (unless otherwise stated).

DECREASE TIP (applies to the lower sleeve center):
Knit 1 stitch on each side of the marker as follows: Knitting until there are 3 stitches left in front of the marker thread, knit 2 stitches on the left, 2 stitches on the left (the marking thread is between these 2 stitches), knit 2 stitches on the left (= 2 stitches taken off),

ZUNAHMETIPP-1 (evenly distributed):
To calculate how uniformly distributed the total number of stitches on the needle (eg 331 stitches) minus the stitching stitches (eg 10 stitches, ie 331 stitches minus 10 stitches = 321 stitches) should be calculated by the number of increases, which should be made share (eg 4) = 80, 25.
In this example, increase by working 1 turn after about every 80th stitch (do not increase at the aperture stitches). In the next row knit the envelopes crossed to avoid holes.

ZUNAHMETIPP-2 (applies to the sides of the fuselage):
All increases take place in Hin rows! Knitting until there are 2 stitches left in front of the marking thread, 1 turn-up, 4 stitches left (the marker thread is in the middle between these 4 stitches), 1 turn-up (= 2 stitches). In the next row (back row), knit the envelopes on the right side to avoid holes. Then knit the new stitches in the back row on the left and in the back row on the right.

Buttonholes are incorporated on the right panel (when wearing the jacket). Work the back row until there are 3 stitches left, then remove as follows: Work 1 turn, knit 2 next stitches and knit the last stitch. In the next row (reverse row) do not knit the envelope so that a hole is made.
Work in the first buttonhole if the ribbed pattern of the neckhole has a length of about 1½-2 cm. Then work the next 5-5-6-6-6-6 buttonholes at intervals of about 9-9-8-8-8½-9 cm in between.

And this is how it's done:

The neck panel and yoke are knit in back and forth rows on the round needle from the front edge, top to bottom. The yoke is knit in the 2-color full patent with zigzag pattern, then the work is knitted smoothly left into strips with 1 row of each color. The yoke is split for the torso and the sleeves. The torso is knitted in back and forth rows from the front edge, from top to bottom. The sleeves are knitted in rounds on the needle game / short round needle, from top to bottom.

Stop: 131-143-143-155-155-167 stitches (including 5 stitches on both sides for the front panels) on circular needle no. 2.5 with natural.
Knit as follows from the back row: Knit 5 stitches on the left, knit on the left, until 5 more stitches and finish with 5 stitches on the right.
Then knit as follows in pattern: 5 stitches KRAUS RIGHT - see above, A.1A until there are 6 more stitches on the needle (= 10-11-11-12-12-13 repeats at 12 stitches), A. 2A (= 1 stitch) and finish with 5 stitches on the right side of the stitch - start with the BUTTON HOLES - see above.
When A.1A and A.2A are knit 1 height, knit the yoke as described below.

Change to round needle no. Then knit in the pattern as follows (the first row is a row with natural): 5 stitches KRAUS RIGHT ANGLE - see above, A.1B until there are 6 stitches left on the needle (= total 10-11-11-12- 12-13 repeats of 12 stitches), A.2B (= 1 stitch) and end with 5 stitches KRAUS RIGHT ANGLE.
Push all stitches back to the other end of the round needle so that the next row can be knit as a back row with color-1. STRIPE, KNITTED TIP-1 and STRICKTIPP-2 read and KNOW MESH TASTING!
When A.1B and A.2B are knit 1X in height, there are 251-275-319-347-395-427 stitches on the needle. The work has a length of about 9-9-9-9-11-11 cm from the stop edge, measured at the front center.
Now knit A.1C over A.1B and A.2C over A.2B.
When A.1C and A.2C are knit 1X in height, 331-363-407-443-467-505 stitches are on the needle. The work has a length of about 17-17-19-19-21-21 cm from the stop edge, measured at the front center.
Now knit in reverse rows on the right and in rows on the left (= plain left), with 5 panel stitches on both sides as before and in stripes as before.
At a length of 19-19-21-21-21-21 cm from the stop edge, increase the stitches evenly as follows: 4-4-4-4-8-8 sts every 2 cm for a total of 1-2-1-1- 2-2 x = 335- 371-411-447-483-521 Stitches - READ ZUNAHMETIPP-1.
At a length of 21-23-24-26-28-30 cm from the stop edge (measured along the panel), the work for the torso piece and the sleeves is divided as follows:
Work 5 front stitches as before, knit next 49-53-58-66-72-78 sts as before (= front piece), close the next 64-74-84-88-92-98 stitches for sleeve, 8 new ones Cast on the stitches (= at the side under the arm), knit the next 99-107-117-129-145-159 stitches as before (= back piece), the next 64-74-84-88-92-98 stitches for the Close sleeves, cast on 8 new stitches (= at the side under the arm), knit the next 49-53-58-66-72-78 stitches as before and end with 5 stitches stitches as before.
Then the body and sleeves are knitted one at a time. THE WORK IS NOW MEASURED FROM HERE!

= 223-239-259-287-315-341 mesh. Place 1 marker on each side of the body, halfway between the 8 stitched under the arms. Carry along the marking threads as they continue, they will be needed slightly later for the increases in the sides of the fuselage.
Work back and forth as before, knit in reverse rows on the right and in rows on the back, each with 5 panel stitches on both sides and in stripes.
At a length of 2 cm from the division, increase 1 stitch on each side of each marker thread - Read ZUNAHMETIPP-2 (= 4 stitches increased). In this manner, increase every 10-5-10-9-9-11 x every 2½-2½-2½-3-3-2½ cm = 263-279-299-323-351-385 mesh.
Continue to knit until the piece measures 28-28-29-29-29-29 cm from the split (or knit to the desired length, there is still about 2 cm left to the finished piece).
Knit 1 row in the reverse row (knit the panels as before), increasing 18-20-18-18-17-19 sts evenly (do not increase at the panels) = 281-299-317-341-368-404 Stitches, Change to round needle No. 2, 5. Then knit in the ribbed pattern with natural as follows (the first row is a back row): 5 mesh stitches on the crotch on the right, * 1 stitch on the right, 2 stitches on the left *, repeat from * - * until there are 6 stitches on the needle, 1 stitch on the right and end with 5 stitches on the right side. Continue to knit 2 cm in the rib pattern in this way. Bind off the loops loosely according to the pattern, ie tie off the kinks on the right, the right stitches on the right and the left stitches on the left. The jacket has a length of about 54-56-58-60-62-64 cm from the shoulder down.

Place the decommissioned stitches 64-74-84-88-92-98 on one side of the work on the double pointed needles or the short circular needle no. 3 and additionally take 1 stitch from the 8 stitched under the arm = 72-82-92 -96-100-106 stitches.
Place 1 marker in the middle between the 8 stitched under the arm. Follow the marker thread when working, it will be needed a little later, if you take off at the lower sleeve center.
Start the round on the marker thread and knit in rounds left and in stripes as before. At a length of 2 cm from the split, remove 2 stitches at the bottom of the sleeve - READ DECREASE TIP. In this way, decrease every 4-2½-2-1½-1½-1½ cm in total 9-13- 17-18-19-21 x = 54-56-58-60-62-64 stitches.
Continue working until the piece measures 41-40-39-38-36-34 cm from the split (or knit to the desired length, there is still 2 cm left to the finished piece.) PLEASE NOTE: The shorter measurements on the larger sizes are compensated by a wider neckline and a longer yoke).
Knit 1 round on the right, increasing 0-1-2-0-1-2 sts evenly = 54-57-60-60-63-66 sts. Change to double pointed needles size 2.5. Knit 2 cm in rounds in ribbed pattern with natural (= 1 stitch right / 2 stitch left). Bind off the loops loosely as they appear, ie bind off right stitches on the right and left stitches on the left. The sleeve has a length of about 43-42-41-40-38-36 cm from the division. Knitt the second sleeve as well.

Sew the buttons on the left panel.

Here are the instructions with diagrams as PDF for download.
