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That's how beautiful you can decorate chestnuts

Photo: deco & style
  1. Forest fruit as a decoration
  2. Chestnut decoration: autumn curtain
  3. Chestnut decoration: Herzallerliebst
  4. Chestnut decoration: Forest Glade

Forest fruit as a decoration

Autumn, like every year, brings us beautiful forest fruits that we can lovingly decorate. So also chestnuts ! Once they have fallen from the tree, only the prickly fruit bodies have to be cracked and the beautiful smooth fruit tumbling us into our craft-loving hands.

What you can make beautiful chestnuts, we show you here now ...

Chestnuts - Deco : Sweet chestnut males

Hach, this decoration reminds us of our childhood! But why reminisce, if you can still have the feeling of that time today ?!

What you need: Thin nail4 chestnuts for body and head1 small, flat chestnut matches with brown head4 pins with red head1 piece of chestnut bowl (dried) EichelstielHeißklebepistole and HeißkleberZange

And this is how it works: For the body: 1. Possibly. Drill holes in both chestnuts with a nail.2. Approximately 2 cm from a match. Combine 2 chestnuts as head and body.

For the legs: 1. For the legs, drill four holes in the lower chestnut and insert whole matches. For the seated male, arrange the holes so that they can sit.

For the head: 1. A short piece of match results in the nose. Possibly. pre-drill the hole with the nail.2. Two red pins make up the eyes. Shorten the needles with the pliers.

For the headgear: 1. Attach chestnut peel as a hat with hot glue on a male.2. For the other male stick a hat from a flat chestnut. Pre-drill a fine hole with the pin and insert a glans stick.

Chestnut decoration: autumn curtain

A wind chime of a special kind may decorate your garden soon ...

What you need: Chestnuts ConesLeavesSchnapApplesAst

Here's how : 1. Thread chestnuts, cones or leaves on a string at intervals.2. Fix with a knot.3. To complain, tie apples to the end of the string.4. The Mobile Clou: Tie all ropes to a strong branch that is hung horizontally.

Chestnut decoration: Herzallerliebst

What a beautiful window decoration ! The heart of the country kitchen exudes pleasant warmth.

What you need: Chestnut wire sheets (eg fan maple) Rosehip branchBastWine scissorsScissors

Here's how it works: 1. Carefully piercing chestnuts with a hand drill.2. Thread chestnuts on the wire.3. Bend wire in the shape of a heart and "twirl" wire ends where the two halves of the heart meet.4. Fix leaves and rosehip branch with bast at this point. Tie bast to the loop for hanging.

Chestnut decoration: Forest Glade

Beautiful lights spread these lights filled with chestnuts and Co.

What you need: LeavesTribsCastleTree root piecesAquariums or ball vasesFloating candles or tealight fire glass cylinders

And this is how it works: 1. Lay leaves, cones, chestnuts and small tree root pieces in used aquariums or ball vases.2. Drape a central light in the middle; B. tealight or floating candle in a refractory glass cylinder.

LOVE ADVICE Tip: A simple LED effect or a light string can create a nice lighting effect. Anyone who is quite courageous and clever cuts an opening in the bottom of a simple glass jar and puts a head-glazed incandescent lamp with plug-in socket from below.

Chestnuts -Deco: Gabenkorb

A bulging basket with everything nature has to offer in autumn is decorative in the hallway. The chestnuts here were not removed from the pericarp, but designed natural.

You need: Basket (eg decolouring) Moss (eg from the florist) ApplesCastlesPearsMiscellaneous berriesPfluttgart

Here's how it works: 1. Lay out a basket of moss.2. Arrange the gifts of nature in a decorative way.

(Basket: IB Laursen chair: flea market)

More ideas can be found in the WOHNIDEE NEWSLETTER and on FACEBOOK
