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Self-loveTaryn Brumfitt: Bold documentary "Embrace" for a new body image

With her documentary "Embrace" Taryn Brumfitt wants to change the view of our body image and help us to love ourselves as we are.

The before-and-after picture by Taryn Brumfitt

Sometimes it is individuals who can give new life to an entire generation. Because their commitment can at least improve the lives of many women. One of these brave forerunners is Taryn Brumfitt , an Australian mother who is currently making headlines with her fight for a positive body image.

As with any mother, Taryn Brumfitt's body has changed after pregnancy. To regain her old ideal dimensions, including six-pack, she began with body-building. Instead of feeling better about it, Taryn Brumfitt noticed how her self-esteem also decreased with decreasing body fat. The Australian opted for a beauty surgery, but shortly before the procedure, the mother panicked: she did not want her daughter to grow up with the disturbed body image that she was experiencing her at the moment.

Taryn Brumfitt canceled the surgery and opted to go public with a campaign for a healthy body image. Much attention was paid to the courageous before-and-after picture of Taryn Brumfitt, to whom she wrote: "I want to share with you that I loved my body up there on stage, posing in a bikini, as much as I do today, naked in my girlfriend's photo studio. " The photo quickly gained over 50, 000 likes and brought international attention to Brumfitt's plans.

Now a documentary has emerged from it: The film " Embrace " is supposed to show why "the aversion to one's own body image has become a global epidemic - and what we can do to change that for future generations."

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The trailer for the Embrace project can be found here:

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