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Flying Wil: Father has son with Down syndrome fly

The baby is flying high!

Flying Wil: Son flying high

In a heartfelt photography project, father and artist Alan leaves his son Will fly. The one-year-old has Down syndrome.

William Lawrence is just one year old and already a superhero! He flies the world and fights for children with Down syndrome . Trisomy 21 does not stop him from flying high and having a wonderful childhood!

This is conveyed to us by his father in a heartwarming photo project. Alan is a designer, photographer and full-blooded father of five. And because he loves them so much, he likes to make them the protagonists of his projects. He shares the results on his Dad Blog, Facebook and Instagram.

With Will he starts a very special photo series. The father knows that his son faces special challenges in his development due to the Down syndrome. However, this does not prevent him from harming anything in the world by letting his little son fly.

As a flying superhero, Will experiences a whole lot of adventures. Because in the dizzy heights there are no limits to the dreams of the little one.

To throw a basket at basketball is easy for him.

From the photos, the family now wants to make a calendar to draw attention to a life with Down's syndrome. Through crowdfunding they try to raise money for the production. The proceeds of the calendar, however, do not go to the family itself, but are donated to a Down syndrome community.

He floats through life as light as a feather. And that's exactly what his father wants for his son with Down syndrome. He lets him fly high and forget the challenges of everyday life.

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