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The celebrity woman with the most beautiful face ...

This celebrity has the most beautiful face - at least in the eyes of science. For the resolution simply click through the picture gallery
Photo: gettyimages

... and the most beautiful face of a celebrity man

Is there an ultimate beauty formula? According to the scientist Christopher Solomon of the University of Kent, it really does exist: a beautiful face can be put together.

He defined a beautiful face and compared his results to the faces of celebrities. Solomon was not talking about absolute sizes, but about proportions - similar to how women's waist-to-hip ratio is pointed out.

But how do you find the ultimate beauty ideal? For the analysis, 100 test persons with a phantom image software should create what they see as a beautiful face . They were able to determine eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth and hairline. Subsequently, 100 other test persons rated these pictures according to their sense of beauty.

Scientist Solomon created from this information a two prototypes: the perfect man and the perfect woman - at least in terms of beauty. Decisive for a beautiful face are above all the proportions. Important: The faces must be as symmetrical as possible.

The result for the most beautiful woman's face:

- Heart-shaped face shape

- Brown hair

- Almond-shaped, brown eyes

- Narrow, little nose

- Full lips that are as wide as the nose is long (by the way, 38 percent of the head width)

The result for the most beautiful men's face:

- Oval head shape

- Brown hair

- Blue, oval-shaped eyes

- Slim nose

- Lighter lips than women

- Significantly edgier chin line than women

Transferred to celebrities, came out in Solomon's analysis, this ranking of the most beautiful celebrities:


1. Natalie Portman
2. Scarlett Johansson
3. Taylor Swift

Followed by Kendall Jenner, Keira Knightley, Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, Angelina Jolie, Rita Ora, Cara Delevingne and Emilia Clarke.


1. David Gandy
2. Chris Hemsworth
3. Bradley Cooper

Followed by David Beckham, Robert Pattinson, Justin Bieber, Ashton Kutcher, Zac Efron, Harry Styles and Max Irons.

However, Solomon emphasizes that women and men define a beautiful face a little differently. In particular, women find that women have the characteristics that make men feel sexy (full lips, big eyes, high cheekbones). Surprisingly, according to this study, men do not attach much importance to sexiness, says Solomon: "Men are less likely to have the obvious sexy look than is often assumed." The same is true of the most beautiful man in women's eyes: "Overall, women seem to be the 'boy of Next door 'look to be preferred. "

The scientific analysis of faces is nothing new: more often researchers have tried to define a beauty ideal. And every time other celebrities made the race (eg, according to a study of the University of Nebraska in 2013: Brad Pitt and Kate Upton).

In summary one can say:

One woman should have the face shape and mouth of Natalie Portman, the eyebrows of Angelina Jolie, the eyes of Scarlett Johansson and the nose of Emilia Clarke.

The man should have David Beckham's face shape, Ashton Kutcher's eyebrows, David Gandy's eyes, Ryan Gosling's nose and Brad Pitt's mouth.

Well, if nothing else is ;-)
