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Chorea huntington


Definition, Causes and Symptoms of Huntington's Disease

Huntington's disease is a serious hereditary brain disease that is programmed into the genetic material of those affected. Most lead a normal life until around the age of 40. Then there are changes in the personality. The patients suddenly behave exaggeratedly temperamentally, unrestrained or aggressive. Or feel intimidated and anxious. Movement disorders also occur in Huntington's chorea . The muscles become almost independent and perform uncontrolled actions. Many patients become depressed. The cause of Huntington's disease is a collapse of brain cells due to genetic dysfunctions. If the mother or father carries the faulty gene, they will pass on the disease Chorea Huntington with 50 percent probability. Because of the progressive loss of nerve cells, the patients eventually depend entirely on help until they die. The average life expectancy after the onset of the first symptoms of Huntington's is 20 years. For those affected, psychological changes occur. They tend to uncontrolled movements, which can remind of dances. The facial facial expressions often get out of control. Later, Huntington's disease often causes a lack of exercise. Mental abilities are increasingly lost.


Medication, physical therapy, language exercises and psychological support relieve symptoms of Huntington's disease and can delay the course of the disease.

Prevention and self-help

Genetic examinations can help to determine if a child is going to get Huntington's disease even before birth . This investigation is open to parents who have a family history.

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