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Chronic cystitis? That's how you can be helped

Photo: Sergej23, pixelio

Natural bladder protection from the inside

It burns and hurts and makes everyday life a torment: bladder infections are a real problem for women and an unpleasant permanent theme. 50 to 70 percent of the female population suffer at least once in their lives.

The cause is due to the female anatomy: Since the urethra is shorter in women, pathogens penetrate faster. If the infection is bacterial, antibiotics help. However, if a chronic course of the disease, this often leads to a doctor and drug marathon. There is a natural and effective alternative to side effects rich preparations, which can also lead to dangerous resistance.

Almost every woman knows the symptoms of a bladder infection (cystitis): increased urination with painful emptying of the bladder. In particular, menopausal women are easily susceptible to infections due to the conversion of the hormone balance, as the mucous membranes of the urinary tract are more sensitive. But even young women are affected by urinary tract infections.

To prevent bladder infection or cure it quickly, the simplest tips are often the best: put on warm clothes, avoid cold seats, drink a lot, empty the bladder completely and strengthen the immune system. A positive effect is also said bearberry leaves and the cranberry fruit whose extracts can complement and support the drug treatment. The usual therapy for acute cystitis is the intake of antibiotics. However, since these do not distinguish between "good" and "bad" bacteria, as a result of the therapy often the intestinal and vaginal flora out of balance. The interactions with other drugs, such as the pill, are not to be underestimated.

If a bladder infection returns more than three times a year or twice in the first half of the year, this is considered a recurrent urinary tract infection. Five to ten percent of women suffer from this chronic disease. The continuing burden of the persistent symptoms often takes the sufferer the joy of life. Chronic illnesses are a major limitation in everyday life, because pain and the thought of the next course to the toilet determine the daily routine.

Regular bladder infections can lead to a defect in the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer. It coats the bladder wall from the inside and protects it from the ingress of irritants from the urine. At the same time, an intact GAG layer provides protection against the adhesion of bacteria, while a defective protective layer favors the recurrence of an infection. One way to break this painful vicious circle is to introduce a chondroitin sulfate solution (for example, Gepan instill) directly into the bladder. Chondroitin sulfate, a natural component of the blister's protective layer, settles on the damaged areas, preventing further irritation and restoring the protective layer temporarily. The bladder wall has the opportunity to recover and inflammation sound. The bladder regains balance and susceptibility to new infections is reduced.
