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To be alone: ​​is that BEAUTIFUL with me!

Good mood ... we get now with the prospect of a rendezvous with ourselves!
Photo: iStock Photo

So alone, beautiful woman? Yes - and that's good!

Of the great fun, just spending time with yourself. What solo moments provide more relaxation, why alone makes one happier and smarter. And how to take the time alone.

There is a free afternoon ahead of us. Without having to work. Without meeting with friends. We have a date anyway: with ourselves. Getting this date was not so easy. Especially since we usually hide it from others, as if it were a tête-à-tête with a really indisputable guy. Being alone has a small image problem. Wrongly! Of course it's nice to meet friends. Nevertheless, we always need time with us. "You can relax completely on your own, " says psychologist Eva Wlodarek. "We adapt to every communication, every meeting with others." Means: We are slipping at a snail's pace - because we take care of our friend . We wrap our food down - because our long-filled lunch date is impatiently drumming with our fingers. We talk, though we would rather keep silent. Exhausting!

And therefore only good if we follow our own rhythm in between. Intuitive. Without compromises. Especially since in society we always direct the antennas to the outside, are evaluated and evaluated, meet expectations . The advice giving girlfriend. The caring daughter. The cool colleague - "in others, we always play a role, " says psychologist Ursula Wagner ("The Art of Alone"). In the short break with us we finally give ourselves an ear. Process experiences. Sort us again. Are we satisfied with our partner? How's the job? What would we like to try? What's wrong? What are we dreaming about? How do we get there?

Such time-outs can be a soul-TÜV at its best . But they are also great, if we do not check our lives at the same time. Because we can do what we want on our own. Insert the old "Guns N 'Roses" CD. Lie down an air guitar solo. To eat a bread with fresh onions and Maggi. Instead of tidying up, listen a bit to the rustling of leaves on the balcony. In the cinema is a nature documentary that we want to see? We go in, even if we at the checkout with the question "only one ticket?" briefly the blush shoots in the face. And make us independent of the taste of others.

Even better: we have the opportunity to discover new sides on our own . Because we can not hide behind others. Need to lend a hand. Like author Daniela Nuber ("My Almsommer"), who worked alone for a summer on an alpine pasture. "I had to feed more than a dozen cows and calves every day - and I was surprised that I did this physical work - the feeling of being able to rely on yourself is indescribable." And strengthens for the next challenge.

Nevertheless, does being alone need an image campaign? Nope. Actually, it's just confused with loneliness. This is a state that you have not chosen yourself - why you suffer. If you want to be alone, you make that decision consciously. And has a pretty good time in front of him.
