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Editor'S Choice

90's Revival: The Tattoo Collar is Back!

The tattoo necklace is back! At Urban Outfitters, there's the classic in black for about 9 euros.
Photo: Manufacturer

And, who wants to wear it again?

Attention, finished, rummaging through drawers! The jewelry trend of the 90s is back. Tattoo collars in tribal look want to wrap around our necks again. And, who is going to do it again?

No, the above are not photos from the nineties! The then so fashionable tattoo collars are now really back to buy. Whether Asos, Urban Outfitters or the jewelry chain Claire's - they all have the elastic plastic ribbons currently in the range.

But from reunion joy with us so far no trace. What did we find at the time only on the plastic chains in tribal look? We will miss this jewelry revival. Or do we just have to get used to the braided chocker again? Surely we have such a thing still in the drawer ...

Hot advocates of the look are the celebrity ladies, they're wearing it again. So posted Rita Ora her neck with pink model on Instagram and also Bonnie Strange shows up again and again with the 90s accessory.

Still not convinced? We neither. And listen again to the Spice Girls, maybe the missing Girlpower-Nineties-Feeling will set in again ...
