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Symptoms of the summer flu and what you can do

Photo: © fotografstockholm -
  1. Did it catch you too?
  2. Symptoms of a summer flu
  3. The main causes
  4. Are summer and winter flu viruses different?
  5. Herbal remedies for the body's defense
  6. To avoid a summer flu
  7. Do sunbaths favor a flu infection?
  8. Differences between cold, flu and influenza
  9. The influence of sleep on the immune system

Did it catch you too?

Even in the most beautiful time of the year, there are surprisingly many people: they cough, complain of colds and sore throat - all typical cases of cold or summer flu and especially annoying during the holiday season. Why the cold viruses spread in the warm season, what symptoms occur and how to protect yourself, explains our expert Dr. med. Dietrich Lau, general practitioner from Hamburg.

Symptoms of a summer flu

A summer flu usually announces itself with a scratchy, dry neck. The nose is running, headache and severe fatigue set in. It can lead to fever, earache, chills and - very typical for the summer flu - also to stomach ache and vomiting diarrhea. Of course, all of these symptoms are hardest to endure in the hot season.

The main causes

Unfortunately, the reasons for a flu infection in the summer are often homemade. Many people believe that in the most beautiful sunshine there can be no flu viruses. The summer with its long nights makes for a somewhat more relaxed life, especially during the holiday season : A healthy diet and adequate sleep will not play such a big role for a while. That makes it easier for the viruses. But also drafts, z. It is to blame for many influenza infections, such as open car windows, fans and air conditioners in homes and offices.

The reason: drafts dry out the protective mucous membranes in the nasopharynx and thus clear the way for viruses.

Are summer and winter flu viruses different?

Yes. The summer flu viruses love the warmth . Some special variants z. B. are even completely insensitive to the UV light of the sun. The transmission, however, takes place in the same way as in winter: Especially on the hands and by droplet infection when sneezing and coughing.

It is important for every influenza infection to stay in bed immediately and consistently and to thoroughly cure the symptoms - even though this is especially unlikely in the warm season.

Herbal remedies for the body's defense

With the water-already used by North American Indians, nature offers a very good alternative to chemo-synthetic medicines. As an extract, it is very effective both in the prevention and treatment of influenza infections. A recent study with the plant extract (investigational product: Contramutan, over the counter, in pharmacies) proves that water diet has a stimulating effect on the release of so-called chemokines. These are the attractants of the body's own phagocytes, which are responsible for the defense against infections in the body.

The chemokines ensure that the body's own immune system can find and destroy invading viruses and bacteria more quickly. Further studies show that water-based medicines can significantly reduce the duration of a flu infection. In addition, the herbal drug specifically strengthens the body's defense and thus prevents contagion.

To avoid a summer flu

Drink at least two to three liters of fluid per day. These can be cold and warm teas, apple juice or mineral water. But do not take the cold drinks directly from the fridge. Avoid draughty or heavily air-conditioned spaces or environments.

If possible, remove sweaty clothing immediately and dry as much as possible. Go for half an hour each day in the fresh air, do a lot of sports and pay particular attention to a vitamin and mineral rich diet.

Do sunbaths favor a flu infection?

As long as you enjoy sunbathing in moderation, you are even healthy. However, if you overdo it and lie in the blazing midday sun or for hours on the beach unprotected, then you weaken your immune system. The reason for this is the UV radiation, which liberates free radicals, ie aggressive oxygen molecules, in the organism during long stays in the sun.

The body then has to make an increasing effort to prevent damage to the cells. The longer you tan, the more the body's own immune system suffers.

Differences between cold, flu and influenza

Although the symptoms of a cold and a flu infection are similar to those of influenza, but in contrast to the common cold, the flu is a serious disease, the z. B. can have consequences for the heart.

A flu usually starts as a raid - first with severe fatigue, then with headache and body aches and fever. A cold is rather untypical for a flu. The recovery from flu takes about three weeks, with cold and flu-like infection usually one week.

Common to diseases is that they are usually triggered by viruses.

The influence of sleep on the immune system

Sleep has a not to be underestimated effect on the immune system. But especially in the summer he often falls out, because the nights are simply too hot for a restful slumber. Thus, an infection can easily einnisten in the body.

At night, the metabolism usually goes down, so that the body can regenerate. Then there is bustle: From proteins, the organism forms antibodies, messengers recharge their batteries and defense cells emerge. People who sleep less than five hours per night are therefore more susceptible to infections.

More information can be found under "Diet and Health " and on FACEBOOK .
