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Juicy chocolate cake: secret ingredient beer

The secret ingredient of a juicy chocolate cake: beer.
Photo: iStock

chocolate cake

Beer in the cake? Absolutely! Not because of its intoxicating effect, but because of its unique taste. A juicy chocolate cake of a special kind.

We have already eaten many chocolate cake. One was too sweet, the other too dry. But this one is perfect: not too sweet, not too dry and especially one: juicy.

Chocolate always works. Especially when she unites with Guinness and finds herself in a juicy chocolate cake . We have already found our new chocolate darling and are looking forward to a juicy cake enjoyment. At least as juicy: sand cake with mayonnaise. Or chocolate cake with coke - topped with popcorn and caramel.

Juicy chocolate cake

Ingredients (12 pieces)

250 ml Guinness, 250 g butter, 2 eggs, 80 g cocoa, 50 g dark chocolate, 70 g Muscovado sugar, 250 g brown sugar (alternatively 320 g brown sugar), 150 ml sour cream, 270 g flour, 2 teaspoons soda, 1 Pinch of salt, vanilla flavor


1. Gently warm Guinness and melt the butter with the chocolate in it.

2. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the cocoa and sugar. Meanwhile, whip the eggs creamy and mix with the sour cream. In another bowl, mix the dry ingredients together.

3. Stir the egg-and-cream mixture under the melted chocolate mixture and then carefully fold in the dry ingredients.

4. Bake in preheated oven (180 ° C) for approx. 55-70 minutes, if necessary cover with aluminum foil halfway through. Serve with melted chocolate.

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