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Prince Charles: Relatives with Dracula

Prince Charles is related to Dracula.
Photo: Wunderweib / Getty Images / Paulus Nugroho R /

Romania advertises with bloodline

He would not have dreamed that Dracula would be family-friendly with Prince Charles (63). Prince Charles, on the other hand, seems quite affine with the "inglorious" relationship and his Romanian heritage. Now even the Romanian Tourist Office wants to advertise with him.

"Transylvania is in my blood, " Prince Charles said in an interview last year. "Genealogy research has shown that I descended from Vlad, the impostor, so I'm almost 'betrayed' in it, " he joked.

And exactly this relationship with Vlad III. should now attract English tourists to Romania. In a booklet and in a video, the Romanian Tourist Office, according to the "Telegraph" at a travel fair explicitly advertise with Prince Charles, who "can trace his descent back into the dark and distant past of Romania".

Already in 2006 Prince Charles bought a house in Transylvania and is supposed to go on holiday there regularly. He is also committed to the cultural heritage of the region. A suitable advertising medium Prince Charles would therefore be quite.

As the legend of Dracula has been created exactly, the spirits are different. It is believed that Vlad III, who was known for stalking his opponents, dipped bread in the blood of his victims and then ate it. Hence the reference to "Dracula" ('Son of the Devil').

However, the nickname "Draculea" is more likely due to his father's membership in the Dragon Order of Sigismund of Luxemburg ('Son of the Dragon'). In times of "Harry Potter, " dragons are also much more suited to English genealogy than vampires ...

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